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What Is Apple School Manager? Enter the Apple ID that you used to sign in to Apple School Manager.

We started with Zuludesk trying with VPP Token from vpp.itunes.apple.com which did not work in our case. “Apple School Manager is a service that lets you buy content, configure automatic device enrollment in a school’s mobile device management (MDM) solution, and create accounts for students and staff. If you can’t find your answer here, contact us at: apple-dep@psu.edu M. Destruction of Data. Click Open Apple School Manager and sign in with your school's Apple ID, not your personal one.

Requests for deletion handled via Apple School Manager will be completed within 30 days. This application is designed for staff, students and parents. Apple School Manager: Frequently Asked Questions Below are some frequently asked questions about the Apple School Manager and how you can enroll your Penn State unit into these programs. Addigy provides a structure based on your organization, so you can maintain and organize Apple devices in your environment in a meaningful way. ‎Compass School Manager provides access to school news, events, upcoming assignments and more. Than we took the VPP Tokens from Apple school manager (settings / apps and books / sever tokens and it worked. How does an institiution know which is the right way to get the tokens (ASM or vpp.itunes.apple.com)? Download Compass School Manager and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. protection obligations, as applicable. Apple is not responsible for data You store or transfer outside of Apple’s system (for example, student records located in your Student Information System). Leverage Apple programs like Automated Device Enrollment in Apple Business Manager as well as our mobile device management (MDM) solution for a smoother workflow experience that customers want. Download Compass School Manager and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Follow the steps in Apple School Manage to create and download the token. ‎Compass School Manager provides access to school news, events, upcoming assignments and more. Save the token to your local drive. Return to the Intune for Education portal.
This application is designed for staff, students and parents.

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