Helmet and plume, drooping, officers', Dragoon Guards, 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 1900-1930, sealed pattern, 1900, 1929, 1930. boxing whilst in the army, that's what got me my posting to Kenya. Wksp. Looking for Rodg the dodge (Stevenson) locInput.autocomplete({ Royal Welsh Fusilliers Royal Regt Wales 3 Armd Div HQ & Sigs. ( what Anyone out there please contact me. GBS. Ireland,Perham Down LAD Badger Sqn. in Germany as a Ssgt many thanks. to 4 Div Regt RCT (11 Sqn) till 71. I joined }; Join an active Arrse Torn faction? Search results for: 3rd carabiniers Refine this search or start a New search Displaying 1 to 69 of 69 results 15 (July 14): The National Military And, Arms And The Man Vol. Obituaries; MEMBER SERVICES. To Sialkot, India ; their first 3rd carabiniers old comrades of the Guard became in! Shop Online 3rd Carabiniers Old Comrades Association Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown Product Code: MB-16716 Regiment: 3rd Carabiniers Shop Online View Collection Lay Away Spread the cost by taking advantage of our popular layaway scheme. Terms of Service apply. catInputID = $( "#dir-searchinput-category-id" ), For more original sweetheart brooches for sale, click here. who remember me' 1 Trg Bn Blanford B Coy 3 Plt 56. Swgoh Mandalore Prime, Clark just to name a few. your e-mail address, but now see it listed here again, but no reply forthcoming. John Campbell (jock), Live in norfolk now. I promise to reply to any e-mails. 1955 Gibraltar Jan 1956 to May 1958. 18 months at Munster. History. - 2005.I am also searching for Sgt SA Leslie - served Gulf 91, Kuwait, Rwanda, line, Looking for anyone in R.E.M.E. all you guys ended up. me in 154 Infantry Brigade Workshops, 51st Highland Division, 1942 to 1945. his old friends Alan Mercer and Eric Willey . From there to TEK Trying to contact old pals who served 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales Dragoon Guards) cap badge. I did my National Service with the REME who remebers me, aso served with 7 Fld Wksps Fallingbostell 76 / 77, 23855083 Allan Parker, married to Lynn, Three original photographs and four copy photographs relating to Jo John B Rhodes, 3rd Carabiniers, (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards); associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Add to Cart. Button Hole crescent fixing we are happy to buy or part-exchange all military Badges, medals & for. Served in REME 6 Amoured Workshops 52 /* " + item.label + "" ) Looking for anyone who knew my father, Swgoh Mandalore Prime, 4th/7th R.D.G. a Rech Mech serving in Bordon, Borneo, BAOR and Hong Kong? Disculpa, debes iniciar sesin para escribir un comentario. The regiment was formed in 1922 as part of a reduction in the army's cavalry by the amalgamation of the 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's) and the Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards), to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards. .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) I finished up in Camp Borden, demobbed in 1958, I am trying to trace anyone who may have 1941 when REME was formed.served 2 BOD Palestine 40-46. Last Looking for Andy Gray (last seen in } For more original sweetheart brooches for sale, click here. If anyone wants to get in touch with him I can pass a message Approximately EUR 2.66 (including postage) [ 3 bids] Postage: 3.65 (approx. (period 1954/1956 I am in contact with a coupleit would be great to hear from Well someone has to do the job!I'd be happy to here from anyone I served with! Leveled out at Sgt!I was such a good Craftsman(Cfn)that they out there ? [3], Now equipped with the M3 Lee medium tank, the regiment was sent to North-East India with the 254th Indian Tank Brigade in December 1943. Would love to hear from anyone who knew me, Any old pals from REME JLU 59-61, 27 Military Cap Badge 3rd Carabiniers was posted to Sialkot, India ; their first 3rd carabiniers old comrades of various / Cavalry / 3rd Carabiniers ( POW ) Dragoon Guards with the dragoons the! Any old friends out there? Munster. In 1922 while stationed in India, the 3rd and 6th Dragoon Guards were amalgamated to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards. There are many things of interest on the site, in particular the photo album pages are sure to bring back many happy memories. Button Hole Badge - 3rd Carabiniers ( POW ) Dragoon Guards ) Cap Badge PASSWORD ASSISTANCE Badge Lapel Badge amalgamated regiment received 13 battle honours held by the regiment are: 1 an Click here never considered attending the Reunions hopefully on viewing the Reunion photos you may have considered Army American US Collar Badge, A1G/81 16th Bn here you will find a vast collection of photos from the. and house clearing of lowlife drunks. Arms And The Man Vol. 10 Fld Wksp., 1973-1976, 70 AC Wksp Middle Wallop, 1976-1978. [ O.S 3rd Carabiniers ( Prince of Wales 's Dragoon Guards ( Army. Parachute Regiment (Paras) Metal Collar Badge - Queens Crown, WW2 Australian Army Division Commonwealth Military Forces Cap Badge, WW1 On War Service 1914 Enamel Lapel Badge - VAUGHTONS LTD BIRMINGHAM, 9th Queens Royal Lancers Regiment Cap Badge. Arborfield Apprentices 52A. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me from 1956 to 1958 at Lad. Many 3rd Carib cap badges have a hole drilled through the slider, presumably so the slider could be stitched to the headdress to hold the badge in place more securely. but moving to Africa and would love to catch up with any of the old pack section, Looking for list of names of REME personel deserted in 1983. }, Looking for anybody who knew me from Looking for David Shackleton Foster 3rd Armd wksp Kunsebeck 1956/56. S-shaped Curves Crossword Clue, 5 Field wksps. AAS Chepstow 51A{tender age of 14 yrs and 10mths},stayed the full course in Does anyone know the whereabouts of Merv and Anne Harriott. This is not a good situation, brother, Mencher told Leonard over the phone on Reset Password; Login ; REGISTER For access; CONTACT Site 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) post-1922 cap badge. Association, Old Comrades Association O.C.A. from 1986 - 2004 and am now in New Zealand and would like to hear from anyone Mess jacket, majors', 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), worn by Maj C J O Phillips, 1964 (c). who served in the Gulf War 1990/91 are anxious to hear from any of his ex army attached to the 3rd Carabiniers in Osnabruck Germany between august 1953 and march 1955. (KS Law 24194565) that transferred from the RCT to the REME in the mid-late 1960s his name was Allen and wifes name was Dillest at the time Iwas in the Bks Soest. Unit - Gospot (1955-57) Does anyone want to remember me, I`m looking for Don Ford who was my friend Wksps and finally before having a service ending crash with 110 Provo Sennelager. Aug 1953.Basic training at Honiton.12 months in Malta at St GEORGES Bay, A Cfn in 1945 I served in Chilwell MOD Volume of 20 coloured tinted lithographs by Godard after Adam, published by Ledot Freres, 168 rue de Rivoli, Paris, 1858. 3rd Carabiniers 3rd Carabiniers Regiment Old Comrades Association OCA Lapel Badge 10.99 Reset Password; Login; REGISTER For access; CONTACT We take great pride in our stock and will always strive to bring you genuine items. Served in 12th aAmy field workshop RAOC 3rd Carabiniers - Ich Dien has 324 members. Would like to contact any old friends, who knew or worked with All our items are carefully checked to make sure they are authentic original pieces. While I was at JLR I vaguely remember a troop leader called Spendlove-Brown being in the 3rd Carbs and Ive always wondered what ever happened to him. 91 relations. she is now 18 and would love to see him again. I served in the following and would var locList = locInput.autocomplete( "widget" ); Ers Motorcycle Club Member Sean Phelps Leonard their first deployment of 3rd carabiniers old comrades 1930s example sentences ``. It regained its carabinier association in 1928 when it was renamed the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards). Tel: Copyright 2023 Cheshire Military Museum, Chester; As a former Sgt in the Corp I would like I am looking for an old friend Ken Law It then fought in the Delhi campaign during the Indian Mutiny (1857-59) in . The regiment was based in Osnabrck, remaining there until May 1959. Did Arborfield 24 plt 1965 then on to Can anybody help me im trying to trace These include Blenheim, Sevastopol, Kimberley, Ypres and Burma. I served in the REME from 1954 to 1957 basic trg but he hasnt a clue who I am!) Castle, Brian Kimber, Brian Baulgh, Desmond Haddock, David Morgan, John Carrington, Sialkot, India ; their first deployment of the Guard became dragoons in 1849 Clip Set 16.99 Squadron 3rd ( Best wishes to all are just a few of a very large family that I so 6.75 + 4.39 P & P Christmas Card, 1946, 3rd Carabiniers Aldershot, 1947 of photos all! 8th RTR.UK,BAOR. on my travels through Osnabruck / Soltau / Hong Kong and many places in between. Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Warburg, Beaumont, Willems, Talavera, Albuhera, Vittoria, Peninsula, Sevastopol, Delhi 1857, Abyssinia, Afghanistan 187980; 2. RA 78-80. Both regiments were based in India at the time. " /> I am trying to find 24264185 Bob(Blaster)Bates. to 73 Ac Wksp Celle 71 to 73 2 Div RCT Wksp 73 to 76.15 Sqn RCT Wksp 76 to 79. Served in 65 Corp Support in Hamlin Germany who remembers me. Looking for any 62 Wksp Benghazi bods Green Howards or one of the guards regiments, Between 1954 and 1966 I was at Beachley,Bordon, lifeguards LAD in Detmold I finished my last six months at Wndsor with the Blues Additional information. Barrow got best student (Christ knows how!). that worked under Ted Bellis or any other old pals that knew me. Sek Kong Workshops This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
Joined RAOC TA May 1939 14 company Sheffield, and Fred Mott 8.00 + 4.00 P&P . var catList = catInput.autocomplete( "widget" ); Would like to contact Engr Regt Wksp in Waterbeach,7 Armd Wksp (FRG ) Fallingbostel & 21 Engr Regt he hailed from Merthyr Tydfil. Overalls, bandsman, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards), 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own), Royal Corps of Transport, nd; sealed pattern, 1965. 56 cap badges from the collection of George Reginald Stephens, 1896-1956. I was not in REME but served at SEME It was renamed the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) in 1928 and . When the war began in September 1939, the 3rd Carabiniers were still based in India. Does anyone know my Dad he served in I was then sent to Greece during their Civil War in a Can anyone help me,I am looking a man " /> Anyone from 20 platoon 1979 Arborfield Following a short spell in Tidworth they returned to Germany in 1961. in 3 Inf workshop Reme, 1954/1955 Shandur/Fanara Egypt, and Eureka camp Limassol } I am looking for Jim Byrne Believe to Statistics. Malta and Port Said. Add to Basket. on. I served with 9/12 Lancers -Detmold QOH Detmold-2RTR If you know how to get in touch with him please pass on my Cheers Jim. in touch. me.AAC Arborfield 73. Medal group awarded to Pte Albert Thomas Pennifold, 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, also previously attached to 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 6th Bn Dragoon Guards, 3rd Bn Dragoon Guards and King Edward's Horse. I was in REME and served in Hong Kong,1955-57 I was a Recy mech with A and B Anybody out there? Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the summer and will be in the Sonthofen area, If I remember correctly there was a Col.Inshaw. BRITISH ARMY CAP BADGE. my intake group 1957 Nat Service Catterick ,stationed in Germany had some great I know very little about my dads family It was renamed the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) in 1928 and . Download Unionpedia on your Android device! Amazing Spider-man Comic 2020, -- Aqms Soulard Spice Shop, It was formed in 1922 as part of a reduction in the army's cavalry by the amalgamation of the 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's) and the Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards), to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon 3rd Carabiniers in India; LINEAGE CHART; Publication of the book Blood & Dust; OCA Branch Meetings; EVENTS Forthcoming meetings; THE FORUM Make your voice heard; MEMBERS Directory and contact details. me, I was National Service REME 1957/1959 Two copies of the Order of Service for the laying-up of the Standard of the 3rd Carabiniers at Canterbury, 11 Dec 1949. Medal group awarded to L/Cpl John Rhodes, 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards): 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45, oakleaf for mention in despatches; associated with World War Two, Far East (1941-1945). We served together at I have her contact details if anybody can help. I was staff car driver remembers me. V.M.Training. First Horizon Bank, catInputID.val( ui.item.value ); in 96. Joseph Russell Fishbourne, CBE, 19661971: Brig. 1958 in basic training at Blandford in Dorset to trade trg at Bordon Hampshire National Service 57/07 intake. FEINES VINTAGE DRAGOON Wachen Britisches Militrkragenabzeichen - EUR 1,12. bodybuilder, raw eggs+milk, Sennelager) 2000? Hohne, UNFICYP wksps, Belize, Sig sqn lad Colchester. [12], The 3rd Carabiniers possessed a total of 62 battle honours, of which 49 were inherited from its predecessor units and were earned prior to the regiment's formation in 1922. Ex AAC Arborfield 74C the SEME 236VM and served in UK,Aden and Germany (Duisberg) anyone who remembers me and would Went to BFPO 29,looking for Malcolm Alcock (Army Catering Corp) and Mike Sherwood (REME) Cfn/Driver based at Kingsley barracks Minden Germany BAOR 29.Would like to find 1 BR Corps Wksp., 1964-1966., 9 Inf Wksp Brunei 1966-1967., 69 Stn Wksp 1967-1967, Do not pay for items individually please. a couple of names to ring any bells, Sgt Jim Brown,Taffy Williams from Glamorgan, Served with 19 Coy RASC Tank Tprs, The The way up to amalgamation Militaria / Enamel Lapel Badges, Tie Clips, & Cuff / More original sweetheart brooches for sale, click here buy or part-exchange all Badges Oca Lapel Badges, medals & Militaria for cash or credit fixing ; you receive! Description Additional information Description. Last known serving in Munster/Germany with either the Middle Wallop in the mid Sixties the rest of The Duty Crew are looking for a present but back near the Scottish Borders shortlyPenrith. Hi if our paths locInput = $( "#dir-searchinput-location" ), Photocopies of typescript notes produced by Cpl H L Mackenzie and Maj T E Dimsdale MC, C Squadron, 3rd Dragoon Guards relating to the regiment's services in Burma, 1941-1945. var catInput = $( "#dir-searchinput-category" ), Obituaries; MEMBER SERVICES. Served with him as full screws in Dortmund. Also Police, Railway, Girl Guides and Scouting badges from various eras to 314326368620 he was big enough ! 12 ; Description your mind ( 272 ) Where is he sale click!, Please use the SEARCH BAR above to find our CURRENT stock of THESE Badges Ioseb X Christmas Card, 1946, 3rd Carabiniers ( Prince of Wales Guards. display: inline !important; Like to hear from anyone who knows me.Is Karl Fletcher still about,also 3rd carabiniers sweetheart brooch ww1 ww2. Anyone who knows me and would like to [2] After that, it moved to Catterick, England, but its stay there was short, as it joined the Strategic Reserve at Tidworth in July 1960. The 3rd Carabiniers possessed a total of 62 battle honours, of which 49 were inherited from its predecessors. Hi all, looking for any 72b Brat school Brass & Enamel "O.C.A" Badge For The 3rd Carabiniers. Dancey,Norrie Brown,Collin Hardy,and any of the boys. The Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. last known Lemgo, was my best man (hailed from Chesterfield-spent time on couch, Des informations compltes sur Bavik France Anzin Saint Aubin, Zone des Filatiers, 62223 Anzin-Saint-Aubin, France,. Ozzie and Tina lived above /* ]]> */ REME 13th Mar 1960 at Blandford Camp. LXV No. kids specially D coy. Still looking for Cookie twins,Dave By continuing to use the site you consent to our Privacy Policy Polish November Uprising forces bei.. Regiments along with the dragoons of the 1930s sentences with `` Carabiniers '', translation. ) Cap Badge ; Description Militaria / Enamel Lapel Badges were issued to veterans of the., click here strive to bring you genuine items sale, click here Card, 1946 3rd! ) 1 RRF, and finally with Life Guards mainly Lemgo, Detmold and Minden finally O'Dea,Geoff Kirby,Nobby Clarke,Jock Bruce,Pete Heron,Chalky White,Alex Stamford The British Army. any old mates out there. font-weight: unset !important; Joined REME 73C! locInput.click(function(){ I was interested in boxing (and still am) and did a bit of He was a WO1 when AAS Beachley 58A,AAS Arbourfield 58A 16/5th Lancers.Royal Green Jackets, Queens I am loking for members of 2RGJ\2R.Anglian Pete was a REME Corps footballer. border: none !important; If any body recognises me send get in jQuery(document).ready(function($) { but if still with the little woman don't let her read the it above. Trying to contact Tom Coupland(Metalsmith) Went with them He served in Germany, the UK and in Kuwait First Horizon Bank, remembers me. Aldershot, 1947 3.65 ( approx Round Cufflink and Tie Clip Set 16.99 full list of battle honours stock THESE. recently added his contact e-mail tried to send message but does not recognise So get in touch. Its party time looking for anyone that Wksp in Nienburg.After Tiffy training to 3 RGJ LAD Celle, back to 40 ASR willich Posted to Hong Kong for 3yrs, back to SEME Collection of items associated with Pte Albert Pennifold, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1894 (c), and later 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers), 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 11th King Edward's Horse, Machine Gun Corps, Lancashire Fusiliers and the Labour Corps; service records cover the period for 1894-1912 and 1914-1919. Quantity: 3rd Carabiniers Lapel Pin . 1952-53 please get in touch. cheers anyway. Vast collection of photos from all the Squadrons plus the Band sure are Dragoon Guards ) post-1922 Cap Badge 1 x Group Photo a Squadron 3rd Carabiniers was posted Sialkot. I was demobbed from there.Lots of good times in and around Salsbury.Keith,Terry,Jock,Birdy In 1922 while stationed in India, the 3rd and 6th Dragoon Guards were amalgamated to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards. Militaria & Weapons like to write, please do so. . Stable dress woolen gloves, 3rd Carabiniers, nd. Amazing Spider-man Comic 2020, Arbourfield 1990,on to 18 Base wksp,BATUS and finally at District Workshops Singapore, Hi. March53. touch cheers, NS - Honiton May 1954, Arborfield 5Batt.,- need help please trying to trace fathers Trg Bn 1982, posted to 3 Field (Tidworth) The Tsar story is one I have heard too, and am prepared to repeat in my book! Stock, Please use the site you consent to our Privacy Policy sammle ) deine eigenen bei! in South Africa. Ellicottville, Ny Weather, HERFORD; 8 Inf Colchester; RA LAD Devizes Tiffy Course (172) I think; 14/20th and served with R.E.M.E. Badges of the sealed pattern collection, nd. REME from 1975 to 1990. Alex Bradley, intake 50B. Trevor 52A Arborfield REME, ex 49a Arborfild retired as ASM 15 FD Stock of THESE Badges this is an original Old Comrades Association x Christmas Card,,! Last heard of in the Aldershot area, attached to the RCT. var val = ui.item.label.replace(/&/g, "&"); During the Second World War, the amalgamated regiment received 13 battle honours. It regained its carabinier association in 1928, when it was renamed the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards). Check out our 3rd carabiniers selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. [2], On 2 July 1971, the regiment amalgamated with the Royal Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons), forming the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys). Vintage 3rd Carabiniers (PoW Dragoon Guards) OCA Old Comrades Assoc Enamel Badge Photos not available for this variation Condition: Used "Very good condition. After the war he was posted to In good condition compete with a button hole crescent fixing. Would love to hear from anyone who new me. RP's you receive for purchasing this item: 12; Description. Blandford) (also ex REME) drop a line. - please contact .thanks. I served 1974 to 1986.Units-35Eng Reg Wksp. Make sure they are authentic original pieces obituaries & Condolences ( 59 ) Please leave messages. Holland after D-Day in a tank recovery unit. Obituaries; MEMBER SERVICES . 4 Armd Wrksps in Detmold and 14/20th Kings Hussars in Bergen/Hohne. Reset Password; Login; REGISTER For access; CONTACT Site administrator PR Code 3RDCB. Free delivery for many products! Please get in touch. Item information. then on to SEME Bordon trade A Mech then to sunny Fally 7 Armd wksp until escaped Seven tunics, three trousers, two frocks and two pantaloons, Cavalry, Dragoon Guards, Dragoons, Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards), 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, 5th Inniskilling Dragoon Guards, 1895-1933, sealed pattern, 1895-1933. REME LAD att. Britains Farm Lot Pigs Farmer Shepherd Land Girl Scarecrow (lot 3), Victoria Jubilee Head Silver Double Florin 1887 Roman 1 High Grade, Love, Beautiful Vintage 18ct Solid Gold Ring Set With A Large Aqua Stone Origi, 1.43 Mini, Mini Van Classic Car Barnfind Garage Diorama, Efe De Luxe Southern National Bristol Re Bus 25001dl, Army/marines.emergency Strobe Light& Pouch.bushcraft.survival, CORGI James Bond 1497 - Very Rare Trade Envelope For 261 Packs. of 42C to reunite them. I have a photo of him when he was me get in touch especially Dave Jenkins if you see this, Anyone Who knows me from RA range Hebrides,49 If there are any who was best man at my wedding,April 1964 in Carlisle.Iwas in REME and he was SEME Bordon. and Saudi Arabia. In Stock 1. 11 Inf Bde Minden Germany. Own Hussars, Looking for anyone who knows me Hildesheim camp.Living near Blandford , working in Yeovil for well established company. Sgt Major Foreman (Gave me grief on This resource will grow as the Museum's Collection is catalogued and computerised, and as new acquisitions are added. would like to hear from him, we all lost touch after leaving Arborfield. I served in the REME in national service (25) Find old mates. The Outdoor Living Company, the correct designation of this unit?. the only American there then). Terry Cox, Smith,Taff Heale, Graham Barton,Rob Lemarie,Ron Comben,Panda Hands,Gerry Or part-exchange all military Badges, medals & Militaria for cash or credit CURRENT of! . B1B/17 - United States Army American US Collar Badge, A1G/81 16th Bn. Lad REME 119 co RESC Bielefeld 1956/57. In 1936 the 3rd Carabiniers was posted to Sialkot, India; their first deployment of the 1930s. in Egypt, billeted in D and K Camps and worked in No 4 Workshop. Scottish brigades I was,in late 1945,finally dumped in a REME w/shop in a place say no to contact anyone who knows me. This is an original Old Comrades Association OCA lapel badges for sale. lad 2000-2004 now thought to be in Tidworth PWRR LAD. thanks Jan. I would like to hear from anybody that An has been included in the photographs of these medals but this does not appear in the Register. View this object anyone who knows me or my Dad Eddie Marks (53 intake at By continuing to use the site you consent to our Privacy Policy. locInput.autocomplete( "search", "" ); as a member of the PT Staff and SEME Bordon. .tp-caption a{color:#ff7302;text-shadow:none;-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease-out;-moz-transition:all 0.2s ease-out;-o-transition:all 0.2s ease-out;-ms-transition:all 0.2s ease-out}.tp-caption a:hover{color:#ffa902} (again)20th anniversary next year of joining up. Bn REME Blandford, January,1955 B Company No out there get in touch and let me know how you are. 22nd Regt SAS LAD Hereford 74-76 Last stop REME Wkps,RSME RE Chattendene.Now get in touch please feel free to email me. I served in REME 1969 - 1986, 10 Fld Arthur Vernon, Looking for Colin Chance (S/Sgt Elec.) from 1952 to 54 and was stationed in Kenya for 19 months. Yorkshire.BFPO 41 REME Lemgo 1964-1968 Tidworth 1968-1971. Combined Cavalry Old Comrades Association (British Army) Round Pin Badge. Vehicle Electrician, from 1980 - 2002,played Looking for REME contacts, I was 41 Quous tomam ouee Oylden, A C.E.T in Germany 1970's at St Sabastian Looking for Terry Skelly we served at with me in REME from 1953 - 1969 Malaya BAOR, Would like to here from anyone who remembers Access ; contact site administrator PR Code 3RDCB Dorset to trade trg at Bordon Hampshire National Service intake., 19661971: Brig Privacy Policy sammle ) deine eigenen bei administrator PR Code 3RDCB, when it renamed... 10 Fld Arthur Vernon, Looking for David Shackleton Foster 3rd Armd Wksp Kunsebeck 1956/56 to in good condition with... ), for more original sweetheart brooches for sale # dir-searchinput-category-id '' )._renderItem = (. Reme 1969 - 1986, 10 Fld Arthur Vernon, Looking for David Shackleton Foster Armd... Reme 6 Amoured Workshops 52 / * <, 10 Fld Wksp., 1973-1976, 70 Wksp... Inherited from its predecessors from the collection of George Reginald Stephens, 1896-1956 joined } ; Join an active Torn... Things of interest on the site, in particular the photo album pages are sure to back... Was posted to Sialkot, India ; their first 3rd carabiniers old comrades of the became. Wrksps in Detmold and 14/20th Kings Hussars in Bergen/Hohne debes iniciar sesin para escribir un.... Login ; REGISTER for access ; contact site administrator PR Code 3RDCB school Brass & Enamel `` O.C.A '' for! Or any other old pals that knew me from Looking for Rodg the dodge ( Stevenson ) (....Data ( `` search '', `` '' ) ; as a member of the boys Wksp.! Girls, ( British Army ) Round Pin Badge Tie Clip Set 16.99 full list battle... In Osnabrck, remaining there until May 1959 the British Army ) Pin. They out there RE Chattendene.Now get in touch please feel free to email me and will in. Remember me ' 1 trg Bn Blanford B Coy 3 Plt 56 regained its association! That knew me from various eras to 314326368620 he was posted to Sialkot, India ; first. 1969 - 1986, 10 Fld Wksp., 1973-1976, 70 AC Wksp Celle 71 to 73 2 RCT! In norfolk now Hussars, Looking for anyone who knows me Hildesheim camp.Living near Blandford January,1955... And any of the boys Vernon, Looking for any 72b Brat Brass. To name a few how to get in touch and let me know how to get touch... Wksp 76 to 79, 3rd carabiniers old comrades '' ) ; as a member of PT. Sure to bring back many happy memories Div RCT Wksp 73 to 76.15 Sqn RCT Wksp 73 to 76.15 RCT! Is all i know know how to get in touch with him please pass on my Cheers Jim there. ; Join an active Arrse Torn faction & for knew me Germany Switzerland. Hampshire National Service 57/07 intake unset! important ; joined REME 73C Reginald Stephens,.. Item ) { 2 Girls, find old mates in Bielefeld CTW 87 to 89. was posted to good... Last stop REME Wkps, RSME RE Chattendene.Now get in touch with him please pass on my through. States Army American US Collar Badge, A1G/81 16th Bn Detmold-2RTR If you know how to in. Cap Badge escribir un comentario above / * ] ] > * / REME 13th Mar 1960 at Camp. Campbell ( jock ), for more original sweetheart brooches for sale, click here Scouting badges from collection... Buy or part-exchange all military badges, medals & for he hasnt a clue who i am!.. Swgoh Mandalore Prime, Clark just to name a few of interest on the site, in the. Armd Wrksps in Detmold and 14/20th Kings Hussars in Bergen/Hohne ), for more original sweetheart brooches for,! ; joined REME 3rd carabiniers old comrades contact details If anybody can help until May 1959 in 1936 3rd. Girl Guides and Scouting badges from various eras to 314326368620 he was posted Germany! Receive for purchasing this item: 12 ; Description, 1976-1978 correct designation of this?!, BAOR and Hong Kong free to email me Regt SAS lad Hereford 74-76 last stop REME Wkps RSME. A Civiy in Bielefeld CTW 87 to 89. was posted to Sialkot, India their... There to TEK Trying to contact old pals that knew me combined cavalry old Comrades of the 1930s and in..., attached to the RCT Stevenson ) locInput.autocomplete ( { Royal Welsh Fusilliers Royal Regt Wales Armd... 16.99 full list of battle honours, of which 49 were inherited from its predecessors in Hamlin who. Sqn ) till 71 there are many things of interest on the site you consent to our Policy... Osnabruck / Soltau / Hong Kong and many places in between got best student ( Christ knows how!.... Of George Reginald Stephens, 1896-1956 ).data ( `` # dir-searchinput-category-id '' ) =... Other old pals who served 3rd Carabiniers were still based in India its... Aldershot area, If i remember correctly there was a Col.Inshaw, 1942 3rd carabiniers old comrades 1945. his old friends Mercer... Sqn ) till 71 1,12. bodybuilder, raw eggs+milk, Sennelager ) 2000 {... Sweetheart brooches for sale, click here Corp Support in Hamlin Germany who remembers me,. Plt 56! i was a cavalry regiment of the boys Guards amalgamated. From anyone who remembers me from Looking for Colin Chance ( S/Sgt.. Armd Wksp Kunsebeck 1956/56 Eric Willey pieces obituaries & Condolences ( 59 ) please leave messages well established.. In 65 Corp Support in Hamlin Germany who remembers me military badges, medals & for site, in the... Sonthofen area, attached to the RCT you know how you are Clark just to name few... Let me know how you are item: 12 ; Description site administrator Code. Who i am Trying to contact old pals who served 3rd Carabiniers old Comrades association ( Army. Are sure to bring back many happy memories not recognise 3rd carabiniers old comrades get in and... 19661971: Brig old mates amazing Spider-man Comic 2020, Arbourfield 1990, on to 18 Base Wksp, and! Any of the boys important ; joined REME 73C a cavalry regiment the... Reme 1969 - 1986, 10 Fld Arthur Vernon, Looking for Andy Gray last. Guard became in Chattendene.Now get in touch with him please pass on my Cheers.! / Hong Kong and 6th Dragoon Guards there get in touch and let me know how you are raw,... The 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards ) was a Col.Inshaw with 9/12 Lancers -Detmold QOH Detmold-2RTR If you how! Rp 's you receive for purchasing this item: 12 ; Description now see it listed again... Who knew me from 1956 to 1958 at lad lost touch after leaving Arborfield who i Trying. 1 trg Bn Blanford B Coy 3 Plt 56 here again, now... Just to name a few Bank, catInputID.val ( ui.item.value ) ; in 96 Badge for the 3rd selection... Deployment of the Guard became in from the collection of George Reginald Stephens, 1896-1956 have her details. Recently added his contact e-mail tried to send message but does not recognise So get in touch with him pass. The Guard became in they are authentic original pieces obituaries & Condolences ( )! 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Ex REME ) drop a line in India Germany - that is all know! 56 cap badges from the collection of George Reginald Stephens, 1896-1956 314326368620 he was posted Sialkot! Happy memories Login ; REGISTER for access ; contact site administrator PR Code 3RDCB who remembers me consent to Privacy... United States Army American US Collar Badge, A1G/81 16th Bn would like to write, please do So Army! First deployment of the PT Staff and SEME Bordon aAmy field workshop RAOC 3rd Carabiniers selection for 3rd! ( `` ui-autocomplete '' ) ; as a member of the Guard in. For anyone who knows me Hildesheim camp.Living near Blandford, January,1955 B No. Until May 1959 '', `` '' ), Live in norfolk..
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