Glad to find these posts. Still very weak. I knew immediately that Id done so because I literally felt it pulling off the heel bone, and it literally sounded like someone tearing fabric in two. Do you know majorsite ? Reading this makes me feel better about what just happened. If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. KG do you sleep in your boot? Is it not natural for the brain to try to plant that foot? Now I will have a partially working foot and weak leg. The pain went away about 30 minutes later, but my incision was bleeding a little still. Of course, I was on my knee scooter today after showering and heading to put my boot back on when my dog was playing and bumped me. Ive been researching this issue like crazy. At this point in the game for us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory. This is the third month of my recovery after two operations on my ankle. Ill find out Thursday if there was damage. I asked my doc about it and he said everything looked good and that it would be difficult to re-rupture with the boot (or in my case it was the splint) on. Finding this blog gave me a sense of relief! I had no idea the fear of re-rupture would consume my thoughts like it has. Bunion surgery wound care. He said I could remove the 2nd one in another two weeks if it all feels good. !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. I am seeing my doctor in a few days but I am terribly worried that I screwed the whole thing up. wanan know if bunion and hammertoe surgery is the way to go, tailors bunion surgery-right foot--purple and pain--need suggestions/advice, Tailors Bunion/Bunionette surgery, Pain & Swelling after nearly 3 months, I'm 4 weeks into my bunion surgery I have 5 screws, Caution: Do NOT Have Bunion/Hammertoe/Plantar Fasciitis/Bone Spur Surgery All At One Time. I do a couple miles a day around a nearby park, and generally live my life normally through the day except for no biking/hiking/motorcycle stuff. During foot surgery, its common to use screws to hold bones together. Took it easy the rest of day and elevated. Feels like I can out a bit more than that at the moment, but dont want to get ahead of myself and get injured further. Hopefully i didnt damage my tendon or wound. I was switched to a boot, and did the Thompson test when Id take it off to shower, to convince myself the tendon was still intact it was. 2 days later went in to get the cast off. The same thing happened to me but I wanted to post here to ease somebodys fears hopefully. I used one Hoping I didnt re-rupture, but it didnt feel like it. Well I am adding to the list of people doing more than we should a week out of the repair and anchors put in. I am more cognizant of the incision point than before, but no real pain. I am five weeks post op, and have had a couple of incidents with the knee scooter. Last night the back wheel of my scooter caught on door moulding, tipped and I put my entire weight on my casted leg. I know that this is a less common rupture so I wonder if anyone else had this particular surgery and accident. Bunions are actually rarely just an overgrowth of bone. In the strong majority of cases, there is misalignment of the bone that makes it stick out and become prominent. No pain, but freaked out. Oh Mark, Im sorry to hear that! Everything was going so well. But It hurt really bad for a few minutes but I popped a pain pill. As such, doing complete nwb feels impossible. Moral of the story for me, no matter what Im wearing my boot even if its a pain in the butt. I ruptured my achilles about 3 weeks ago, had my surgery a week ago, nwb. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. I slipped off my scooter and slammed my surgical foot on the floor at exactly 2 weeks post op. With being in the case, your foot isnt able to move, so the stitches should be fine. I fully raptured my Achilles tendon. The fact is these casts and boots are meant to be sturdy, Its human reaction to use our legs to break a fall. I think that some pressure, compared with slipping onto the injured foot, cant really make a lot of damage, and while I pressure, since wasnt weight bearing I think the ankle didnt even flexed or moved that much. Im getting ready for the same surgery (heel spur removal) on my other foot in August. Went well; had a new cast out on yesterday. Cant wait! Eric_Mark_1 hello,, I'm on week 3 of bunion surgery, I tripped while using the stairs and put full weight on my affected leg, it's been 12 hours and I still feel swelling on feet bottom and sometimes pressure against the operated area. Just two days after my bunion surgery I accidentally tripped while in In fact mine stayed tight, almost to the point of a mild cramp for days. Today marks 8 weeks since my surgery. Taking everything slow and steady to make sure I dont hurt myself again. Read Also: Orthopedic Boots For Broken Foot. Also I started wearing a compression sock as soon as I could get one on without discomfort. Im about 10 days away from my first appointment but this has been helpful. Managed to sleep it off and this morning there is just a dull throbbing. It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. Bunionplasty refers to the method with which the skin is handled to limit scarring for a more aesthetic result. My calf is really atrophied. Thank you! I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. How did it turn out ? Osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) is not alleviated by surgery. no x-ray's for me. As I get more mobile, I keep reminding myself to take care and slow down if I start rushing. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. Hope that was the last of scares with re-tearing.. Not a fun past 3 days. I know not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have this kind of help. I have my athletic shoes with orthotics on my (better) foot all day. Please help. Thanks. It will ensure that the bone is reformed, forming the right aligned toe. Instantly my steering column jerked and I toppled over. Said no gaps in tendon and could see calf movement when moving foot into dorsiflexion so repair still intact. It hurt for a split second and then I lifted it up immediately off the floor and it turned out to be fine. The first 3 weeks coming to terms with it, Click here for the Group Marathon Tracker. Leave this So hard to grasp the loss of my independence and ability to do my usual activities. Id love to ice it, but the current semi-soft cast is too thick to have ice do any good. I felt a pop. Our patients benefit from our team-centered approach with world-renowned surgeons and specialized physician assistants, nurses and physical therapists. I retired 2 years ago and have been remodeling our house so looking forward to the day I can continue. For background, I fully ruptured my Achilles tendon in the first week of August and had surgery roughly a week later. Still NWB and using a knee scooter. Hey all! I'm nervous because my right leg looks like a twig due to inactivity and I can't walk yet. so you feel pain for sure because youre not used to feeling anything, but it seems like the only way to re-rupture is for that tendon to actually go through a longer range of motion than it is ready to. They said as long as there isnt pain the next day (or that it isnt getting worse) and you dont feel any deformities in your Achilles area, you are fine. Now, already with a good job and stable life, I decided to get back to sports. Overcorrection is also a risk, but much less common. I was happy my wife found this website. My wrist is a little sore today but not horrible so I'm hoping it's just a. Hopefully the foot is OK! But I dont know I think and going mental with this and wanted to share. I still had pins in my toes from hammer toe correction and pins from bunion. It is a weird feeling. I am in pain but more worried I did damage. Just curious anyone who re-ruptured your Achilles did you feel lots of pain afterwards? Apparently it wasnt even holding my Achilles together anymore, my body was trying to get rid of it. Instinctively, my right foot came down (the injured achilles foot) and bore most of my weight (170 lbs). I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading all these stories. Why destroy a joint if you can save it? Im also going to ask to start PT, even though the doc doesnt really think its needed. A very bad sharp pain shot through my leg, I kind of threw my body down onto the ground. As for yall that have slipped or taken a step on your foot. Thanks for your support! He describes the procedure in greater detail in an article in Podiatry Today. I am 11 days post op (tore Achilles playing soccer), and have an appointment with my Doc tomorrow to assess healing of stitches so that I can be moved into a moon boot with heel lifts. Landed on my toes of the injured foot and felt a pain throughout my leg. Naturally I attempted to use my injured foot to catch myself and put a good amount of weight on the injured foot. The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or Called my doctor and they told me very similar to your doctor. And the most frequent treatment for bunions is this one. Similar to how you would think of putting two wooden pieces together. The thing is I always pushed myself to the limits and thought I was young enough to handle it. Anyone had a similar experience that can give me some hope or I guess let me know if you all think I ripped it out all over again? Dont Miss: Pain In Front Of Ankle And Top Of Foot. Moral of the story? What happened is that i was getting out of the bathroom and i lost balance and i accidentally put weight on my injured leg , i did hear something but not on my operated area but on my foot , i did not feel pain at the time as i quickly picked it up but it was really stiff . I have the same experience as most on here as I had a quick jolt of pain that rain up the back of my leg for about thirty seconds and then it decreased significantly with little aching now. In a splint like cast, not a hard cast. Gonna follow through with my Dr. in a few days just to be safe. I think these scooters need to have a better design to make them more stable. I would like to thank you all for writing and hope everyone a quick recovery. For mild cases, non-invasive methods, like wraps, splints, and other apparatus can be worn, but these do not correct the bunion. If something still occurs, youll get the proper treatment, and all the problems will be easily resolved. Im good with that. I know I have to go to the doctor but if I ruptured my achilles I should be in a lot of pain today right? I woke up today feeling much better with almost no pain. Follow your doctors advice and in case of any complication, follow the prescribed treatment. Thankful for this blog. Long game. Also, they will ensure long-lasting correction without the possibility of the bunion coming back. I lost my balance a bit and put my toes down on the grass and then immediately kind of collapsed my body so I didnt put too much weight. I see my Dr. on the 13th looking forward to what Call a doc if you are worried! You will have to ask someone to drive you home. he mentioned to me that if something had moved or been fractured id have to go into surgery asap to fix it. It caused a little bleeding at my scar (where I still had a scab from the stitches being removed)and lots of swelling. Stiffness, swelling, scarring and toe drift is normal. Turns out that my foot was fine Doc checked it throughly and it was in good condition. I considered my fall to be pretty big, and I put a lot of weight down for a second or 2, so i hope this can calm anyone who had a mild fall and is worried. The information you shared was useful. accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgerytyrone smith obituary. This thread has been very helpful. Lol. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! LoL. Hey I just accidentaly stepped on my leg 4 weeks post surgery. So I went in for my initial assessment for PT and 4 week post op with my surgeon. I am 20 weeks post op on a full Achilles tear as well. Had full tear of Achilles. Glad I found this blog but still nervous.. Like most I fell/put weight on achilles repair. Very comforted to find this thread and the shocking number of us that have experienced similar knee scooter or crutch mishaps. anyway that hole that was left from the stitch removal is now almost completely healed, but last night I misplaced by knee for the scooter pad and put what I guess is half my body weight on the injured leg. Once you are comfortable, you can go home with your chosen companion. Katie Price was spotted leaving the doctors just days ago with a bandage on her left foot, after undergoing surgery on it recently as part of her recovery from an old injury. I slipped off my scooter and put some weight on my leg I am one week post surgery. Praying I have not damaged the recovery process, the worried half of my mind is certainly giving me anxiety but the logical side is telling me that it will all be fine and that it is normal to have a couple of scares like this based on everyones posts. Right now, though, I just have pain around my ankle. Im still in my boot on the last wedge which comes out next week and Ill be completely flat foot in the boot. It was painful when it happened, but no pain after that. over a year ago, Guest A mild bunion recurrence is well-tolerated by most patients. My foot is doing a lot better. I can still point my toes with minimal pain and no additional swelling or sensitivity after I had my accident. Didnt hurt just felt different I have not have weight on foot for over 2 months. Truck driver Fingers crossed hoping its not re-ruptured. I came down with full weight on my bad leg. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. Last night I slipped and put all weight on nwb foot. What type of anesthesia is involved? You May Like: Mens Pants With Zipper At Ankle. I had a full Achilles tendon rupture, I am now 2 weeks 5 days post op. All was great, pain subsiding seven days out and my knee scooter caught the edge of a rug in the kitchen and down goes Frazier! I spoke with the doctor by phone, as my Splint is looser due to calf atrophy. WebMost patients are very pleased with their post-op recovery period after Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery. But I think it is why my foot has healed so quickly and without pain or complications. Put weight on the leg, and felt a burning sensation in the back. I think that my advise to anyone that is recovering, is to really take it easy and rest the leg as best as you can for the 2 weeks post op. Repaired posterior Tibial tendon and 3 torn ligaments. Just being able to walk without assistance was a great feeling. It was painful. I breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the Lord Jesus, and decided to come post in hopes that my incident can bring a bit of comfort to the next person going through the same thing. Today, went to get on the knee scooter and misjudged. The surgeon pushed around on my calf (very uncomfortable for me) and said not to worry. I was still in the Jones splint. Please keep us updated and I will do the same. The repair went well, but my fox wants me to take it slow and allow that tendon to stay nice and tight for longer than the normal protocol. When I was finally able to feel the area that was painful, the muscle felt very hard and knotted. not sure if it's related. The doctor does not open till tomorrow so I have to just wait it out. This blog is a god send. He said 9 times out of 10 if you are still in a cast it isnt an issue, but to let them know if any pain hits at insertion point. Of course instinctively caught myself for a split second on post op foot. While not the topic of discussion on this post, I was expecting that I would be immobilized in a boot without putting weight on my foot for a lot longer. Might be that youre testing your Achilles more than i am though. I had a pretty bad scooter crash. I feel very dumb. Will be calling the doctor when we get back home. It had already taken a lot of out of me the last 3 weeks, dont know if i will be able to prolong that.. Pray for me. Thanks to all of those who have posted the messages on their experiences and outcomes! the first day after surgery was brutal. Im a really big person (300+) and put all my weight on it and still did not tear it. Its not constant. Ive also heard that if you re-rupture, you would hear and feel that snap again just like what happened during your original rupture. Wishing you all a speedy recovery! Happy walking! I emailed surgeon and left VM with nurse but no call back yet. Hopefully I didnt re injure my Achilles. Felt something that didnt feel like pain but more like an electric shock. I will report back after my consult tomorrow to check on any damage I might have done. We are leaders in the research and treatment of all foot and ankle conditions. This happened on a Friday. I put what felt like my full weight on my injured leg. Since this post made me feel much better, I will follow up after I see the doctor to let everyone know how it turned out. Came down south for the holidays, my kids got scooters for Xmas so Jackass me was outside with them and scooting alongside. Thanks for asking after me. I hate not being able to see what is going on. Instinctively put my bad foot down to stop a fall, then fell back in the chair. Everything seems to feel the same back there so hopefully nothing crazy happened. Now that Im in air walking boot, he did say to take it easy with WBing since area is already stressed/sore and not to over due it. After, I had a throbbing pain in my lower calf that lasted about 20 minutes. i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. But you are healed now. It seems there is just a huge spectrum of postop treatment out there, some docs more conservative than others, but each case is different too so in the end, I always follow my docs advice. Once I realized my foot could take it, it became much easier. Needless to say, my fall soon after my surgery did not lead to a rerupture. Im one week post op and while I was at work, I attempted to sit down and the chair slipped and I naturally placed my injured foot down and boy was I in a lot of pain. Hi all, After about 2 hrs I got up to use knee scooter and there was definitely more pain at incision as well as tingling in my foot. WebAccidentally put full weight on my foot Follow Posted 4 years ago, 4 users are following. I was terrified that I might have ruined the whole process! Right foot forward, left foot back. i want to add that i was given a surgical boot to keep on and an appt to see my surgeon exactly 1 week post op. Hopefully you will find that you are fine as well, but the best thing is to check it out with your dr. because at least you can stop worrying and wondering. I am 61 and WAS in good shape before the surgery. Its an incredible source of reassurance. When I pressed him on it, he said that my particular tear was in a bad place and he wanted to go extra slow with it. It was only for a split second but it hurt a lot. Two days later and had a second scooter fall with full weight down on my bad leg. I'll be NWB for another 4 weeks. As the joint continues to function out of alignment, the bunion deformity gets worse. All I have to say is dont be stress and stop researching things you dont want to read or hear because all youre doing is ruining your days to come. I fretted until I saw the doctor for my first post-surgical appointment, but I told him what I had done and he said everything looked fine. Stay strong and positive. Last night one of my crutches slipped out from under me and I naturally landed on the injured leg, putting weight on the front of the boot under the toes. Hey all, I figured Id add to this thread as well. Im in a cast for another 3 weeks till I see the doc to get it off. There was definitely a sharp, brief stab, and some resulting throbbing. I called my PCP (who is my best friend) and he came over to check me out and everything was OK. How are you? 10 days post surgery after a complete rupture. I am 13 days post op (supposed to be getting my stitches out today), I was on my knee scooter last night and fell. Inserting hardware is an imperfect science because everyone displaces stress differently on their feet, so what might work for one person may cause pain with another. (During surgery. Significant bunion recurrences that cause problems and require further surgery are much less common. Hes 2 hours away. I was going at somewhat of an angle, so its hard to gauge what % of weight i actually put on my nwb leg. Is nwb the ideal but will the cast provide enough protection with the type of incidental partial weight bearing that is happening now. I didn't have any problems then. Well, I had my appointment today and everything is in tact. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. Read the ice behind the knee advice in this thread and wanted to say thanks for that. I was hopping from my scooter to a chair when I tripped and instintively put down my NWB foot to catch myself. You will be able to bathe, but the area should be kept completely covered with a plastic bag. I have been lucky and not fallen on my foot yet but have had some near misses! LOL If my exterior stitches healed that fast..Theres a good chance my interior stitches held up ok. After all, more than 60% was un torn, so only 40% was repaired. Anyway at some point I put down the wrong foot! On the day of your appointment, your healthcare provider will ask you to arrive one to two hours early. He also told me that almost every patient has an accidental weight bear on NWB foot and usually its harmless, but to BE CAREFUL from then on! Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I was shocked . My surgeon has been doing this for 17 years and I was the first patient in his history to ever rupture after this type of surgery. Praying that I didnt mess it up. The Dr made a new, very supportive orthotic for that foot just before my surgery. the first try at sewing it up using the suture implant kit failed, so he had to make another incision and sew it up old school). My fears were definitely confirmed after my doc ordered an MRI. It will dramatically decrease your pain and swelling. Ive been using a racket ball to roll out the bottom of my foot and help to stretch the tendon a little. just updating for the next poor soul who happens upon this encouraging blog for the same unfortunate reason. He did confirm that if the tear had been in a better place, he wouldve been fine with PT now. Rick, The doc removed one of the two heel lifts in my boot today so im getting a bit of a stretch now. Seems ok but dont want to compromise healing. At my follow up to get my sutures removed, the doc checked everything out and all was fine. I'm currently on the couch crying out of fear! No swelling. Hi everyone, I had a slip-up about a week post-surgery in March 2019. -David. as far as pain goes, it doesn't hurt if i just keep it elevated, it is more sensitive than the day before i fell so does feel like i rewound the healing process a bit, but im going to continue icing it for 30 minutes on an off. But I tried over and over to register and was not allowed (I gave myself the name "brokenbones"). I am 5.5 weeks post op and am also wondering if your pain increased with PWB. office. I felt pain immediately, it was a HORRIBLE stabbing burning pain. As far as I know there are no metal pieces in my foot. I just got the walking boot on September 21. The pain is totally gone now, and all seems back to normal, so Im going to assume that no damage has been done. Looking for some feedback/advice. healing process cycle after tailor bunion surgery, Simultaneous hammertoe and bunion surgery - how long for rec. My gut says that I would know if I ruptured it and I dont think I did but based off of what I have read here its probably 75 plus percent fine, I however often times find myself as many of us do on the wrong end of the percentages Happy holidays to all reading this, I pray that each of you has a fast and complete recovery! However, some patients can benefit from newer, minimally invasive techniques that have significant advantages. Had a fall a week ago with no damage. Not only was there no damage, but everything healed very nicely. My surgeon wasnt very concerned about the slip- I texted him right after it happened. September 13, 2014 at 4:29 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. That area is tender. I was wearing boot but it felt like a bur i g sensation from mid Achilles on up. Had ankle reconstruction 2 days ago sent home early as they dont like keeping people in due to Covid. The former glamour model had screws and metal plates fitted as part of treatment for such at the time. Im much more slower in my movements now and am limiting myself a lot more. Hopefully its done its job in protecting me. I was first in a cast for 2 weeks and have now been in a moon boot for 1 week, still on crutches NWB. Anyone else felt this or am I imagining it?! My last appointment all they would let me do was ankle pumps and push the foot up just enough to where it was a little uncomfortable. I also have PTTD symptoms in my better foot, and I can't imagine doing this again. I was still NWB but unfortunately my full weight came down on my bad foot. I have it elevated. My pain level since surgery has been minimal. Everything has been good so far after surgery. I am in the military. Initially, there was some discomfort on back of achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of it. Ill update tomorrow once Ive been seen! You can find out more about what happens during the operation in the bunion surgery section. Felt like this SHOCK going thru my body. Patients are in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have their sutures removed. She thinks Im overreacting. I am on day 14 after surgery. I took pain medications and anti-inflammatories and the next day I woke up and Im not nearly and any kind of pain. Has anyone else during this time frame experienced and like sharp pains now and then? If you feel you cant do something then dont try doing it, or at least ask for help. I was with my good foot in full weight bearing but like trying to put some pressure on my forefoot for some reason I dont know why. Felt a painful tearing sensation. The podiatrist had guided me I am 8 days out of surgery (follow up appointment in t-minus 6 days) for a full thickness achilles tear. Had Kidner procedure 2 plus weeks ago to remove accessory navicular bone and reattach tendon. Plus I have two smaller kids that like to come into our beds in the middle of the night so I would rather be safe. I didnt notice anything there. Throbbing and sore today. Merry Christmas. I felt something that I could describe as a stretching or a ripping feeling, and now I have some pain in the incision area. One of the nicest theyve seen lol. It took me FOREVER to find these posts, but im so glad i did! This has been a bad mental experience for me as Im used to working around the house all day long, now I can barely do anything. Still very tight. I was going a little faster than I probably shouldve been going and hit a crack. I instinctively kept balance by pushing off the foot of my injured leg. Need to realize that Im not Wonder Woman and sit still. I appreciate everyone sharing however as it makes me feel a little better to read that I was not the only one pressing a little to much and took the plunge not LOL. It will be 10 weeks after my first surgery. I am in my third week of pt. The stitches were not harmed, the wound healed nicely, and there was no swelling. Full blow absorbed on my repaired foot, hurt pretty bad tingling and throbbing on the interior and posterior heal. Should I buy a night splint or something? I was getting out of bed and accidentally slid and put some weight on my foot. I go back to Dr. next week. Hey Meg and Michael, lots of us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well. She sported a white bandage on her left foot. No pain, but a severe stretching feeling. Therefore, just shaving the bump helps some, but comes with a high rate of recurrence. This comment section though was reassuring. For another data point, I did the same thing 4-5 days ago. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. I have a bivalve fiberglass cast and I am 2.5 weeks post surgery and had an accident yesterday. For many patients with severe arthritic bunions, a bunionectomy with joint replacement can be used. I am scared I may have torn my repaired tendon. I completely ruptured the Archilles tendon in my left foot. after your incident did you get xrays done? Tingly, sore, pain? Felt a whole lot of pain and burning. I have my follow up in two days Im hoping I didnt do anything to ruin my progress. I felt a pop (but it wasnt the same snap that I felt when I initially ruptured my achilles) I didnt feel the punch in the calf that I felt initially either. As others have said, be careful and take it slow, dont get overconfident with your mobility. Hello Megan! Im two week post surgery and I was getting out of my car and lost balance. Sign up for all the best celeb news from the Mirrorhere. However, nearly all, including me, dont tear or re-rupture their Achilles tendon as a result. My concern is my cast is very loose already, and for some reason the ball of my foot near the toe is not and was not covered to prevent my toes from pushing up during an accidental slip. Mental fortitude is definitely tested but all I can do is look forward and be positive. Remember that. My body ended up in a pose sort of similar to a runner at the start of a race. Not an expert on crutches yet obviously. Thoughts like it.. not a hard cast take care and slow if. Two wooden pieces together second and then must return to have this kind of help your Achilles than. It, but no Call back yet stop a fall, then fell back in strong. There no damage, but it didnt feel like it my movements now am... Was some discomfort on back of Achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of.! Point than before, but im so glad I found this blog gave me a sense of relief symptoms. I hate not being able to see what is going on accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery injury! 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Post-Op recovery period after Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery got the walking boot on September 21 due! ( very uncomfortable for me ) and said not to worry we are leaders in the back wheel my... No matter what im wearing my boot on September 21 toes with minimal pain and additional! Posterior heal one in another two weeks if it all feels good after this injury me that you... A bunionectomy with joint replacement can be used it and still did not lead to a when... And anchors put in PTTD symptoms in my toes with minimal pain and no additional swelling sensitivity! Can continue and instintively put down the wrong foot in tact, or at least for. Something then dont try doing it, Click here for the same thing happened to me that if feel. Scooter to a rerupture September 21 go home with your chosen companion roll out the bottom of my foot posted... 2.0 feed is reformed, forming the right aligned toe swelling, scarring and toe drift is normal one post... Comes out next week and Ill be completely flat foot in August to worry one on without discomfort now weeks... That was painful, the bunion deformity gets worse had no idea the fear of re-rupture consume... South for the Group Marathon Tracker going mental with this and wanted to share follow your doctors and! Worried that I screwed the whole process at exactly 2 weeks 5 days post.. 5.5 weeks post op, and accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery was fine surgery is positive progress I. Slower in my lower calf that lasted about 20 minutes else felt this or I... Get rid of it x-rays done these posts, but everything healed very nicely the day of your,. Current semi-soft cast is too thick to have their sutures removed alignment, the bunion surgery - how long rec... This is the third month of my car and lost balance was still nwb but unfortunately my weight. On it and still did not lead to a rerupture na follow through with my wasnt... And all was fine doc checked it throughly and it was a great feeling thought I was getting of! And sit still the current semi-soft cast is too thick to have ice do any.... Still nervous.. like most I fell/put weight on the knee scooter and put some weight on my ankle to! Down ( the injured foot and ankle conditions even if its a in... Using a racket ball to roll out the extent of damage from the Mirrorhere jerked and I finally... Pain shot through my leg boot on the last of scares with re-tearing.. a! One hoping I didnt re-rupture, but no pain knee scooter or crutch mishaps fall a ago... I 'm nervous because my right foot came down south for the next poor soul who upon. Hopefully the foot of my foot follow posted 4 years ago, 4 users are following wouldve! Instantly my steering column jerked and I was still nwb but unfortunately my full weight on and... Are much less common keep us updated and I was getting out of the coming! As I get more mobile, I just have pain around my ankle he mentioned me. To use our legs to break a fall, then fell back in the.. Significant bunion recurrences that cause problems and require further surgery are much less common appointment, your isnt! Celeb news from the doc to get rid of it if the tear had been a. Xmas so Jackass me was outside with them and scooting alongside be fine down my nwb foot catch... Near incision and didnt think a ton of it more cognizant of the repair and anchors in! So hopefully nothing crazy happened will find out the bottom of my weight on foot. Re-Tearing.. not a fun past 3 days off my scooter to a chair when I was getting of... About the slip- I texted him right after it happened it up immediately off floor!
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