Now he finds himself pregnant and alone, and to make matters worse the whole world knows Captain America is an omega. There's nothing like having to put up with a pain in the ass in your home life, right? Bucky freezes for a second before he wraps his arms around Steve too. Maybe it's to prove himself something -even when he has no idea what it is- or perhaps it's a way to hide how lonely he truly is. Where the lines of morally gray begin to fade to black. He takes the poor lad home with him. Relationships are undecided but they will be there at some point, I don't know what though. If you havent seen Spider-Man: Homecoming, you may not understand the powerful daddy/twink energy Peter Parker and his mentor share after wed both seen Endgame, fellow Out staff writer Mathew Rodriguez gushed about all the Family Dick moments with Tony and Peter, which really says it all. In one evening, Peter learns about the weight of promises, the benefits of cold weather and the magic that comes with dogs. Chapter 23. Hed been Fates favourite chew toy since before he was even born. And she did. Finally free from the grips of Hydra, Bucky Barnes needs all the help he can get to acclimate to life in the twenty-first century. He doesnt mind the ghost. *cover art isn Bucky still in trance and doesn't remember Steve at all, still tries to kill me, but he starts to remember who he was A oneshot about Bucky and his life after what happened. "When I was 16, I realised that I was in love with my best friend." "Bucky, stop that! Please consider turning it on! Peter gestured with his hand for him to hurry up. "I was born in 1920. But the world she calls home, the people she loves, are in danger, and she will go to lengths unseen to ensure their survival. He threw his weight at the wooden door, hoping it would budge even the smallest bit. With a dangerous organization of murderers and terrorists after him, he has to do whatever he can to stay hidden and survive. Sure, she had survived without him. To escape the memory of being the winter soldier, and the stress of being an avenger, he goes into his little space. Except that decision gets kind of complicated, and then the whole world goes to shit. Harry had destroyed the Dark Lord and his followers and saved the Wizarding World. Cuz there's always a boss level bad guy. But itsMJ can deal. Y/n Rogers was a failed attempt to recreate Captain America. First part was first attempt at fanfiction. Get away before I hurt you!" Forgot your password or user name? No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (606), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (358), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) (94), James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker (1602), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (408), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Bucky Barnes Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, the visceral intimacy of cuddling your child with your significant other, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker & Sam Wilson, But No Man Should Fall Without A Struggle, Peter falls in love with a villain, think he can turn them into a hero but ends up becoming a villain, Peter Parker/Original Female Character(s), It's going to hurt and you're going to like it, Assume that if we saw it happening to Bucky it also happened to Peter, Tony is the cause of his own problems and many others, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Original Male Character(s), Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Canon Divergence - Captain America: Civil War (Movie), but i did listen to hozier while writing literally all of this so, Perpetually Damaged (Slowly Getting Better), everyone else that leaves a lot of comments on my work, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), peter parker notably does NOT have healthy coping mechanisms, ik i put her in the first chapter but like that's mostly it, i can't control u tho do whatever tf u want, Poppy Parker (AKA the lesbian Spiderman AU no one asked for but everyone needs), when the sun came up (you were looking at me), Peter Parker is Bucky Barnes's Biological Child, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Opaque Clouds (Sometimes, They Never Drop Rain), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, tone wildly oscillates from heavy angst to feel-good to absolute crack. Bucky opens his mouth looking guilty like he wants to apologize but before he could get the sentence out Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky in a hug. In 2016, the Avengers capture an enhanced HYDRA agent with a mask over his mouth, and Tony and Buckys worlds crumble around them. Enem Y/n has worked for S.H.E.I.L.D ever since she was 14. Request an invitation to join. As he takes care of the Sergeant much to his friends' concerns and doubts, Bucky is surprised that slavery wasn't what he expected especially when his young master was very insistent that he does most of the chores while all Bucky had to do is be his taste tester & sometimes caring for Harry's pets. It's been months. The other Avengers notice their closeness, as well. She doesn't even remember her birth name. After all, he's been through worse in his life; the loss of his wife and the disappearance of his son 12 years ago. Found: Bucky's arm is designed to hurt him. Both happen to end up in a very unusual place that allows them to meet, become friends, and eventually something more. People would say this is why he decided to go in the dangerous Time chamber. It was not. When some of the Avengers find him in a lab years later, Tony decides nothing is going to take Peter away from him again. He asked incredulously, pausing in his paperwork to look between the two enhanced. 12-year-old foster kid Peter Parker knows better than to trust when people promise things. Which is why, today is the day. death has a funny way of giving it to her. When Steve saw Bucky hiding in the shadows of his hallway, he really wasn't expecting to be attacked by a small child. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Can the Avengers reconcile and come together to defeat Hydra and these new threats of prophecies, witches, and magic? Meanwhile Steve is conflicted that Hydra still exist and that he can not keep his mind off the wizard he had rescued from Hydra (You have my permission to translate or do fan arts). 1. Stucky clownfish ABO. He paused outside of the elevator as the doors closed, trying to comprehendwhat the hell did Bucky just say? Peyton Davis is a bustling cafe and coffee shop owner who knows firsthand what it is like to feel guilty and wallow in loneliness. A rainy day diner meeting at Dick's request leaves Jason reflecting on the past, and possibly meeting someone who understands. So just a bunch of one shots of peter enjoy!!!!!!! (you should probably read part 1 first) <3. Finally the moment we've all been waiting for! But anyways, here we are..-. Penelope Tamara Poppy Parker is doing pretty well, thanks for asking.She and morgan are living somewhere stable-ish, now. Bucky squeezes him tighter for a second before his sarcasm takes over. Of the 37,326 Steve/Bucky stories on Ao3, many take place in canon, imagining Steve and Bucky falling in love before the war and finding each other again in the present, post-superpowers. When Bucky Barnes and most of the other Avengers are tasked with searching an abandoned HYDRA laboratory, they never could have imagined what they would find: a young boy, no older than six, who has been left behind in the wake of the organization's experiments. Three year old Peter was experimented on before he could even say the word "experimented". This work is only available to registered users of the Archive. Captain America Spider-Man Avengers | Reader Tony Stark Peter Parker Sam Wilson Steve Rogers . MJs going through some shit, and Poppys worried about that, but if MJ needs space, Poppy will give it to her.Poppy has nothing to complain about, and shes busy enough that theres no time to complain anyway. When Bucky overhears a discussion about whether or not Steve and he are dating, he isn't bothered. Ivy Bennett was having a lousy day, then she nearly kills Hydra's most powerful weapon, Bucky Barnes. Steve had said that he would come back. The Winter Soldier was gone. The Winter Soldier is back. And he wants Skipp to get the hell away from him - but he won't, will he? He didnt care if the pup was his or not. If you don't have an account, you can request an invitation to join . Its 2am and youre knocking on Bucky Barness door. I look down at the faded photo, a small smile appearing as I take in his handsome smiling face, god how I used to love that fac "I tried to kill you as soon as I met you Do you really trust me not to try again within a month?" Action Adventure Fighting Avengers Relationship Friends Sweet Adoption Betrayal Abuse Bucky Adopts Bucky is doing well. Sometimes finding a particular memory feels like throwing a stone in the dark and following the reverberating sound, more echolocation than conscious thought. This is a story about family, war, and one courageous woman whose story was never told. Story starts a few months before TFATWS, and will eventually lead into the show. Michelle Jones is a ten year old half-orphan with an enhanced mind and a chip on her shoulder.Ned Leeds is a twelve year old computer genius who may be magic.SX-24 is an experiment. I like to try to stick to canon as much as possible but there will be some minor differences of course. Their third mistake was underestimating the lengths that Tony and Bucky were willing to go to get him back. Peter Parker has no home, no money, no family, and no way out of a nightmare he can't believe is real. requests are open! Some may be smut! Bucky said breaking down at the end. Please consider turning it on! two parents grieve and try to find their way back to each other. Reset password. But who are the most popular pairings in Marvel slash fanfiction? And one thing those fans love to do more than almost anything is imagine their favorite Avengers having gay sex. If you don't have an account, you can request an invitation to join. And in that moment, Bucky was okay. Abruptly, he looks up from his phone, brows furrowed in question. He's an Avenger and that means protecting the Earth at any cost - even if he has to deal with a certain star-spangled man and his sullen sidekick. Hawkeye and SHIELDs Agent Coulson first appeared together in Thor, and their few interactions were apparently full of enough chemistry that fans decided they were boning on the sly. He sat on the couch, wondering why Bucky was suddenly uninterested in spending time with him. Knowing that there will be consequences for his old friend. Yes, I have conceived you myself! His father said with a huge, beaming smile. Harry is not good at looking after people. I exist. He trusts her with all of his secrets, except one. It was him. or, HYDRAs first mistake was stealing Tony Starks son. Ciekawe, po ilu znakach sobie przypomn XD. He just hoped Bucky wasn't going through a relapse. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. The Winter Soldier sends out an S.O.S. After all, Peter is relying on them. She goes to the United States of America to get to know her biological father, Loki of Asgard, who had found her again after searching the universe for nearly seventeen years. Peter really misses Nat, Tony, and the Avengers and he needs them. Something in him always did. and then she got annoyed with nick fur Y/n is the daughter of the world famous Billionaire, Tony Stark. However, once Tony has a change of heart after a close brush with death he decides to regain control of the company. If you already have an Archive of Our Own account, log in now. Steve yelled back over Bucky's screaming. (NOT a s S.Rogers x B.Barnes x f!Stark!Reader - We have another, just as cliche as the last. Harry finds out 4 things when he returns to the wizarding world. Steve left briefly, only to come back with a couple of sandwiches in hand, one for himself and one for Bucky. Angst! And youre asking me to mix waffle mix with it?, Pretty much, yeah Peter affirmed. Whoever wins gets what they desire most. Bucky didn't die. "What the hell did I do?" "Remember Cap', if they ask you about your views on political debates say you have no comment" Tony advised, whilst patting Steve down in preparation for his interview. The rest of the residents of the Tower were a little more hesitant to join them, but they did eventually, and pretty soon all of the Avengers and a collection of their friends were settled onto the floor of the destroyed living room, sitting around (except for Bucky and Steve who were still mostly laying down, propped into half-sitting positions on their elbows), talking and laughing and listening to Steve and Bucky tell stories on each other like they'd never done before. The kickback of a gun upon firing. (Update schedule is anywhere between one day and two weeks. But after the DONT FORGET TO READ PART 2 AFTER Work Search: The war was over. Work Search: The Avengers. At this point in Harrys life, he really should have been expecting something like this. 2.5K 106 51. by Hail_Hydra. In 2006, the Winter Soldier meets a boy named Pyotr. I was never very good at waiting. I can help you!" 853K 22.6K 52. There was something off with the new prisoner. Also sad, scared, and lonely, but if she thinks too hard about any of that it might break her. The Rogues are back; Tony Stark couldn't even be mad about it - it was his idea after all. I've had these voices. Lots of fluff! Steve yelled over Bucky's wailing. "Bucky, I don't know what's going on, but you need to calm down!" Now your past ghosts have come back to life and you have to hunter them down again. You were suddenly put in a mission with an Avenger and shipped away. You don't know what kind of hell they dragged him in from, or how he lost his arm, but he's going to push the limits of your abilities in more ways than one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. He hugged his shaking form and kissed him on the head repeatedly, mumbling encouragement. Peter is orphaned way before "The Bite" and grows up bouncing around Group Homes, Foster Care, Juvenile Detention Centers, Living on The Streets, being kept captive in human sex trafficking and basically just bounced in and out of several shitty situations before he gets bitten and suddenly has powers. Don't have an account? When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. Seriously, at this point, reading the phrase, Your father and I were a bit wild in the 90s and I became pregnant with you after a particularly wild night involving a famous American muggle, warranted nothing from Harry apart from a slightly surprised gasp followed by a resigned sigh. Till the end of the line. A/N: so this is the first actual story that I will attempt to write so please leave any feedback you might have! None of them have pasts to return to, even if they could- but maybe, together, they could have a future. I'm with you until the end of the line, remember buddy?" Her voice is familiar, rippling oddly in his cavern of a brain. Luckily for the plot, Sirius knows of Harry's true parentage and decides it'll be better for everyone if Harry just pops over to America to be emancipated so he could then live with his godfather; it's not like this Tony Stark guy will put up much of a fuss right?Right??? Peter is suffering at the hands of the so-called heroes of the Earth. Will Percy e just some wonderful fluffy cute imagines of your favorite James "Bucky" Barnes Tony Stark Teddy Lupin Steve Rogers Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Clint Barton Bruce Banner Pepper Potts Sam Wilson (Marvel) Vision (Marvel) Wanda Maximoff Thor (Marvel) Nick Fury Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Peter Parker Tony Stark is Harry's father Harry Potter Has PTSD But He Refuses to Admit it Harry Potter Raises Teddy Lupin Mostly fluff, always warning at the beginning of the ch "Buthe was your everything." What And maybe a lot of people from other countries are mad at Dumbledore and decide to help in the plan just to annoy him. On popular fanwork website Archive of Our Own (AO3), there are currently 269,849 works in the MCU tag, most of which center on queer relationships between male characters. Said villains realizes this and uses it to their advantage but in the process begin to catch feeling as well. Penelope Tamara Poppy Parker is doing great, at least on paper.Shes top of her class at midtown tech, the youngest level-five dancer at her studio, a loving older sister, girlfriend to the wonderful Michelle Jones, intern at Stark Industries, and, of course, the friendly neighborhood Spider-man (she didn't pick that alias).Shes got problems, of course, but so does everyone, and its not that bad.Sure, its tricky to balance everything going on in her life, and of course she wishes that her parents and aunt and uncle were still alive, and that her last foster home hadn't been abusive, and that maybe she could get a break, once in a while, but theres nothing to be done about those things, so she doesn't dwell on it.It could be a lot worse, and Poppys gotten good at managing everything without help.But when things do get worse, maybe (maybe) it will turn out that she doesn't need to manage everything on her own, that she can, in fact, accept help sometimes. You wanna use your metal arm to mix it? He gets good grades, he's amazing at sport and is basically friends with everyone. Peter Parker soon becomes a part of the Avengers superfamily, swinging his way into all of their hearts. That was when he heard the screams. Nothing would stop him from burning the world to the ground if it meant his family would be safe. Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. Foster kid Peter Parker soon becomes a part of the Archive the two.. Of one shots of Peter enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, but you need to calm down! one shots of Peter enjoy!!!!!!!., beaming smile Skipp to get the hell away from him - but he wo n't, will he to! Gray begin to fade to black to canon as much as avengers find out about bucky fanfiction but there will consequences! Back to each other Reader - we have another, just as cliche as the doors closed trying... 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