Between May 2021 and May 2022, Floridas labor force grew by 313,000, or 3.0 percent, faster than the national labor force growth rate of 2.2 percent over the year. 2021 unemployment compensation claimants can access free or reduced cost health insurance through the ACA marketplace. 2021-44), HB 5301 (Ch. 2021-29), SB 2500 (Ch. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the surplus for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is $21.8 billion the highest in state history and more than 21 percent above the state budget for the fiscal year. packages are unavailable. Next, let your Medicaid plan know you need a ride and they will take care of the rest. Comparison Budget: Table of Contents. The national public health emergency has existed since January 27, 2020 and has been renewed by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services in 90-day increments since that time. 2021-36), Last Action: 6/3/2021 Chapter No. The Senate budget totals $95 billion, leaving $5 billion in state reserves. 2021-36), Last Action: 4/8/2021 H Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 2500 (Ch. 2021-42), SB 2500 (Ch. It also increased the maximum duration of PEUC benefits ($300 a week) to 53 weeks and the maximum duration of PUA to 79 weeks. Certification periods for cash, food and medical assistance were extended by 6 months for individuals and families scheduled to recertify in April through August 2020. While unveiling a record $96.6 billion proposed budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year, Gov. Please [click here] to find a test site in your area. DCF has reopened its brick-and-mortar storefronts, which were previously closed due to coronavirus. DEO announced implementation of Extended Benefits (EB). We hope this annual budget pocket guide gives you the information you need to better understand where and how your hard-earned tax dollars are being spent. If you are not enrolled in a plan, call the Medicaid Helpline at 1-877-254-1055 to find out the name and phone number for a transportation service.". Filed Bills | The links for the page numbers are formatted to open the bill text PDF directly to the page containing the citation. DOH attains waiver allowing remote issuance: Department of Health (DOH) obtained a waiver of the requirement that participants pick up their EBT cards in person at recertification or during nutritional education appointments. School children in distance learning still eligible for free or reduced cost meals. Appropriations and Implementing bills authorize the spending of public money on an annual basis. Through May 2021, persons who were sanctioned in the past due to work requirements will be able to reapply and participate in SNAP or TANF again. However, effective September 1, 2020, SNAP, TANF and Medicaid recertifications have been reinstated, although DCF says that no one will lose Medicaid due to recertification. Ron DeSantis signed the fiscal year (FY) 2022-23 budget into law on June 2, 2022. Projections that lawmakers would be facing a General Revenue shortfall of up to $3 billion this session were made and exercises to identify potential budget cuts began. HHS provides guidance. The Senate budget totals $95 billion, leaving $5 billion in state reserves. RA work-search and work registration requirements reinstated on May 30, 2021. DCF opens offices. Under the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act this option has been expanded to cover COVID-19 treatment and vaccines for the uninsured as well. However, more information on possible sources for free treatment is available here. PDF: | DEO has deployed a mobile app for RA applications. 2021-37), SB 2518 (Ch. AHCA is working to notify recipients who may have received a termination notice in the month of March that their benefits will be reinstated. There are no state agency instructions on where uninsured people can receive free treatment. Estimated General Revenue (GR) collections for the upcoming budget year (FY2021-22) are $1.4 billion below what was anticipated by the pre-pandemic forecast. Since this money was technically appropriated for FY2020-21, although at least most of it will be spent in FY2021-22, it is not counted in the budget totals. USDA waived physical presence requirements: Although the scope and logistics are unclear at this time, USDA has given DOH permission to waive the requirement that persons be physically present at each certification or recertification determination in order to determine eligibility under the program through May 31, 2020. Copyright in this document is owned by The State of Floridas Executive Office of the Governor. Between May 2021 and May 2022, Floridas total private sector employment grew by 459,500 jobs (5.9%), faster than the national private sector job growth rate of 5.1 percent over the year. DCFs questions and answers about online purchasing, As of July 1, 2021, the extended timeframe ends, prior authorization requirements will be reinstated, Florida has not opted to receive 100 percent federal Medicaid funding for COVID-19 testing. Since the state has not taken up this option Floridians must look to an uneven patchwork of free testing, treatment, and vaccine resources scattered around the state. 2021-29), SB 2516 (Ch. The Departments 2021-22 budget includes an increase in administrative costs for information technology improvements. Even more remarkable, the budget also appropriates an additional $15.4 billion in federal funds Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, is in favor of a bonus plan for teachers and principals included in the 2021-22 Florida budget. 2021-22 1st Calculation 2012-13 Legislative Budget Request. 2021-36), HB 5011 (Ch. Our responsible policies have allowed us to make record investments to support our communities, promote education, protect the environment, and provide record tax relief for Floridians, all while building record reserves to protect the state against the reckless fiscal policies from Washington.. The Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) Medicaid Hospital Funding Programs FY 2020-2021 Immediate Reversions HB 5003 - Implementing the 2021-2022 General Appropriations HHS has issued guidance on the flexibilities in TANF to respond to COVID-19. Governor Ron DeSantis signed the fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 budget into law on June 2, 2021. The final budget, after $62.5 million in vetoes, totals $101.5 billion, an increase of 10 percent from FY 2020-21. This was an unprecedented budget cycle, as the Legislature was faced with a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and an economic recession. Seniors will be able to sign up to have the vaccine come to them by emailing a request to Floridas private sector over-the-year job growth rate has exceeded the nations for 14 consecutive months since April 2021. Bills that have selected provisions that are similar in text. Paid for by FLORIDA TAXWATCH RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Address:106 N. Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32301Phone: 850.222.5052Email: Although PEUC and PUAdid not end until September 6, 2021, Florida withdrew from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Program (FPUC) effective June 26, 2021. Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the surplus for Fiscal Year 2021-22 is $21.8 billion the highest in state history and more than 21 percent above the state budget for Included in this collection are Agency Committee First Lady Casey DeSantis Announces Statewide Public Health Advisory Following Press Conference and Agency Roundtable in Gadsden County, ICYMI from the Department of Education: Florida School Grades Far Exceed Expectations, Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Record Surplus for Fiscal Year 2021-22. Although previously waived, biweekly reporting was reinstated effective May 10, 2020. While not all these vetoes reduced the size of the budget, they did cut FY2022-23 spending by $2.1 billion ($1.9 billion in GR). 2021-36), Trust Funds/Re-creation/Triumph Gulf Coast Trust Fund/DEO, Infrastructure and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee, Last Action: 4/7/2021 H Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 7054 (Ch. For a list of current WIC waivers for Florida from USDA, go here. These reserves were boosted by the Governors $3 billion in line-item vetoes. Reemployment Assistance weeks reverted to 12 effective January 1, 2022. Residency proof no longer required at some vaccine sites, paving the way for migrants. - On April 29, 2021 Surgeon General Rivkees issued a new public health advisory specifying that COVID-19 vaccines are available to a Florida resident or someone who is present in Florida for the purpose of providing goods or services for the benefits of residents and visitors of the State of Florida. This new policy applies to all state-run and federally supported vaccination sites. Any person is hereby authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document subject to the following conditions: The document may be used for informational purposes only. 2021-160), SB 2500 (Ch. As a comparison, the 2021 Legislature appropriated $36.5 billion in GR. Uninsured individuals should ask before the test whether testing is free of charge." On the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of the FY 2022-23 state budget represented an opportunity to make bold investments in each of these areas to secure a strong foundation for the states future.In 2021, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) announced that the economic recession spurred by COVID-19 technically lasted only two months, ending in April 2020. DCF says that the increase amounts to about 6% for Floridians. Extended application time. Join our newsletter to stay up to date on our latest research. Time limits suspended. Even with all these spending initiatives, the state still has record General Revenue (GR) reserves of $11.9 billion (a number that is sure to grow considerably when the next revenue estimates are adopted in August). Under a waiver from USDA, WIC participants in Florida are allowed to substitute milk of any available fat content and whole wheat or whole grain bread in package sizes up to 24 oz. Most of the proposed cuts, including deep ones in health care, were scrapped, and big investments were made in many areas. In all, eliminating the optional beneficiaries and services would save $111 million. As of July 1, 2021, the availability of provider provisional enrollment for in-state and out-of-state providers will end. DCF allows phone interviews. In an executive order published March 16, 2021 Governor DeSantis revised the vaccine distribution plan, which applies to the general public including Medicaid enrollees, to lower the age requirement to 40 effective March 29, 2021 and then effective April 5, 2021 all Floridians are eligible to receive any COVID-19 vaccination approved by the Food and Drug Administration. 2021-37), SB 2504 (Ch. 2021-40, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 2500 (Ch. Resources and guidance. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Your JavaScript is turned off limiting this websites functionality. Also, Bean said his committees budget proposed new opportunities for hospitals to take advantage of what is known as supplemental Medicaid funding to offset the reductions. No Medicaid recipient will lose Medicaid eligibility during the COVID-19 public health emergency (unless the individual is no longer a state resident or request voluntary termination); under the newly enacted Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a state is prohibited from ending coverage for recipients enrolled as of March 18th for the duration of the public health emergency if the state opts to obtain an enhanced federal Medicaid match. Part of this additional federal funding is $5.3 billion of the $8.8 billion in federal stimulus aid the state is expected to receive from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSFRF) in the American Rescue Plan. At the August General Revenue Estimating Conference, the first following the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, estimates were for a $5.4 billion revenue loss over the 2020-21 and 2021-22 fiscal years. Statutes, Video Broadcast Certification periods extended by 6 months only through August 2020. As of June 19, 2020, Waiver of limits on early prescription refills, except for controlled substances, Coverage of a 90-day supply of maintenance prescriptions when available at the pharmacy. 2021-36), SB 2518 (Ch. The FY2021-22 Florida budget process was like no other. An estimate in December 2020 restored $2.1 billion, leaving a $3.3 billion loss compared to pre-pandemic estimates. DCF has added a call center number for Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Coverage of home and community-based waiver services (HCBS) - In response to the public emergency, Florida obtained approval from the federal government to make changes in HCBS waiver programs, including the Long Term Care and Developmental Disabilities programs. With billions in federal aid coming to Florida during the pandemic, and state revenue collections well-above pre-COVID levels, the 2022 Legislature came into session with an historically high budget surplus. FNS approval of the SNAP extension for August is here. Thankfully, $5.8 billion in federal funds from the CARES Act helped the state avoid a deficit in FY2019-20 and FY202-21. After accounting for $3.1 billion in vetoes, the post-veto General Appropriations Act Some content on this site is saved in an alternative format. These are key infrastructure investments that require a comprehensive, long-term approach, and I am pleased to see this budget establish this important framework.. 2021-36), Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience, Last Action: 5/13/2021 Chapter No. View By Category, No Statute Citations Found for Senate Bill 2500, Identical bill Join the Florida TaxWatch mailing list and keep yourself informed. This follows total revenue losses of $3.9 billion in FY2019-20 and FY2020-21. 2023-24 Local Funding Initiative Request Form, 2023-24 Local Funding Initiative Requests, Prior Years Local Funding Initiative Requests, APC Conforming Bills House Offer #1 3-10, AEG-SAT Senate Offer 1 - Conforming Bills (SB 2510 and SB 2518), AEG-ANR Senate Offer 1 - Conforming Bill (SB 2508), APC House Supplemental Funding Issues 3-9-22, Education Capital Outlay Senate Offer 1 - Budget, Proviso, Back of Bill, AEG-ANR Senate Offer 1 - Budget, Proviso, BOB, Water Project List, APC PKA Bump Offer 1 Budget-FEFP-Proviso-BOB, APC - HCA House Bump Offer 1 Budget 3-8-22, ACJ Senate Offer 1 - Proviso; Back of Bill, AEG-SAT Senate Offer 1 - Budget, Proviso, Back of Bill, Admin.
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