Holiday can only be fairly described as oscillating from pleasingly plump to svelte for much of her career. [13] Some of Kuehl's material was used in Donald Clarke's 1994 biography, Wishing on the Moon[14] and her interviews were used in Julia Blackburn's 2005 biography With Billie: a New Look at the Unforgettable Lady Day. Can an author ever truly separate themselves from their subject? (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; Hammond says of Goodman, He slept with Billie. The film highlights a review that scathingly derides Billie for being heavy reminding us that draconian female standards of beauty have been around for a long time. popupTrigger.css('visibility', 'visible'); captainForm772606PreloadInterval63c877fb829bf = setInterval(function(){ See was a rugged, powerfully built man; handsome, athletic and. gallery of images and videos of both singers. Her archive passed to a private collector and was later used in other writers' biographies of Holiday. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb83722'); jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); var append_element = append_element || function(e){if(void 0==e)return!1;if(! var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb829bf'); She was sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Her predilection for weed, opium and coke gave them the excuse to hound her relentlessly. She was the victim of repeated sexual abuse. (Courtesy of the Kuehl family) Kuehl left behind a trove of notes, transcripts and some 200 hours of interviews on cassette tapesmostly in shoeboxes, some labeled, some not. For the biography, Kuehl set out to interview hundreds of people, ranging from band members and pimps (Holiday . Line: 192 jQuery(wrapper).css('top', jQuery(window).height() * 0.4 - wrapper.outerHeight()); One thing everyone agrees on is that Holiday grew up rough and grew up fast, which undoubtedly shaped the person she became later in life. This documentary offers viewers the rare opportunity to see Billie Holiday through the eyes of those who knew her best. }); In the late '60s, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie. jQuery(wrapper).css('top', jQuery(window).height() * 0.4 + wrapper.width() + wrapper.css('padding').replace('px', '') * 2); Despite her early hardships, Billie Holiday pioneered the refinement of microphone technique, minimalism, and jazz phrasing for subsequent generations. }); Some people in the documentary allude to Holiday being fond of sex orgies. The film consists almost entirely of Kuehls recordings she had 125 cassettes worth of interviews and snippets of her writing, the latter played out over dramatic reconstructions of hands hovering above a typewriter. captainform_preload_form_popup(popupParams); var readyStateOverflowInterval; [2] Various other writers' biographies on Holiday have drawn upon Kuehl's material, as did the film Billie (2019), which is narrated by Kuehl's recorded interviews. "[9] However, Kuehl did not complete the book. You can hear Kuehls excellence as an interviewer asking why repeatedly rather than inserting her own understanding. Kuehl died by suicide in 1978, though her sister appears in the documentary and asserts that she believes her sister was murdered. Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. 05 January 2023. Over 8 years, she tracked down and tape-recorded over 200 hours of interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. On tour, especially in the U.S. South, they encountered a lot of vicious racism. }); id: "captainform_js_global_vars", else if ('' == 'right') setTimeout(function () { It also brings up a few necessary, if rarely confronted questions. Nalleys Ballads for Billie is now available on CD or as a digital album. Is it possible to tell someone elses story without, invariably, telling our own? var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? Missing from this documentary is incisive exploration about exactly what makes Billie Holiday so great musically. var popupTrigger = jQuery("#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb834ac"); She spoke to Holidays friends, and to those who had been there for the most transformative chapters of her life. The proof existed as early as Symphony in Black, the 1935 rhapsody of black American life in which she sang the broken-hearted "Saddest Tale". Kuehl is remarkable for interviewing lesser known people who had a lot of contact with Lady Day. Billie Holiday. } I think she felt the pain of someones struggles.{ Her death was ruled as a suicide. }; function resize77260563c877fb83722(wrapper){ The most important takeaway from Jo Jones is that anyone who believes music has no color negates the experiences of African American musicians who lived with racism dictating almost every aspect of their lives. She wanted to retire and care for orphans. Shortly after she became a professional singer as a teenager, Holiday began working with musician/producer John Hammond, who introduced her to Benny Goodman in 1933. Cafe Society owner Barney Josephson says that it wasnt unusual for white customers to walk out of the club and complain if Holiday performed the song. In 1928, Holiday and her mother moved to New York Citys Harlem neighborhood. var captainformThemeStyle = {}; Jones gets very angry in the interview when he hears that Hammond has denied firing Holiday, while Hammond expresses bewilderment in reacting to Jones claims that Hammond fired Holiday. if('' == 'floating') { textContent: 'var frmRef=""; try {; } catch(err) {}; var captainform_servicedomain="";var cfJsHost = "https://";', Song list and samples here.She portrayed Holiday on stage in C.J.Verburgs play Lady Day in Love. Billie certainly encompassed both requirements. This is not to say that there is no filmed footage. } Holiday co-wrote her 1956 memoir Lady Sings the Blues with William Dufty, and the book became the basis of the 1972 feature film of the same name, starring Diana Ross, who earned an Oscar nomination for her role as Holiday. [3] In 1978 she was found dead on a Washington, D.C. sidewalk,[3][8][10] after attending a Count Basie concert. For some eight years in the 1970s, Kuehl interviewed everyone she could find who had a personal association with Holiday musicians, managers, childhood friends, lovers and FBI agents among them. [3], Interviews that Kuehl conducted with writers were published in The Paris Review in 1972 and 1978. Linda Lipnack Kuehl . Linda Lipnack Kuehl (January 24, 1940 February 6, 1978)[1] was an American arts journalist, based in New York City. Jimmy Flashy Monroe [a pimp who became a trombonist in Holidays band] broke them up. In the 1970s Linda Lipnack Kuehl, a journalist, sought to deepen her understanding of Holiday; she conducted these conversations in the hope of writing a definitive biography of the jazz. Nalley previously wrote for EatDrinkFilms about Ella Fitzgerald which was accompanied by an extensive gallery of images and videos of both singers. captainformCustomVars['772606'] = ''; } However, Linda's book was never finished and the tapes never heard . In 1971, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday. Beloved daughter of Sol and Ida Llpnack and loving sister of Myra Luttman died February 6th, 1978. A talented journalist who wrote a biography about the songstress 20 years after her gradual death, Kuehl dedicated a decade to interviewing the friends and artists who knew Holiday best. Holidays career reached a new level when she began singing for the Count Basie Orchestra. Josephson sums up the usual complaint that he got was: We came to your nightclub to be entertained. She was a perfectionist, according to her sister, which is why it took so long for Kuehl to work on the uncompleted book. Before completing her work, Kuehl died suddenly in February 1978. Consistently entertaining, Billie is really about the writer and subject of the . Its hard to know much trust to put in his words, though Erskine builds a picture of a life carved out by desires. Her face is an actress as much as her voice. John Levy became her manager and lover, even though he was married at the time. I sometimes see the hardships of being a Black man highlighted but I do not see the same courtesy given to Miss Holiday. Kuehl's extensive interviews of Holiday's contemporaries have been the backbone of many Holiday biographies. (Photo by George Rinhart). Message: Undefined variable: user_membership, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php if ('' == 'left') As Holidays fame grew, so too did her notoriety for being a drug addict. A psychiatrist, at one point, weighs in with a diagnosis. Her archive passed to a private collector and was later used in other writers' biographies of Holiday. captainForm772605PreloadInterval63c877fb82c45 = setInterval(function(){ type: "text/javascript", Looking for Linda Kuehl online? captainformDomReady(function() { }); She had a wild life. He adds, I want to know why all girl singers crack up. [2] Various other writers' biographies on Holiday have drawn upon Kuehl's material, as did the film Billie (2019), which is narrated by Kuehl's recorded interviews. The documentary Billie, now showing, does not start at Billies birth or death, but rather the date of Linda Kuehls death. resize77260563c877fb83722(wrapper); Linda Lipnack Kuehl - Biography - IMDb Edit Linda Lipnack Kuehl Biography It looks like we don't have any Biography for Linda Lipnack Kuehl yet. For those who wish to delve more deeply into her interviews, the Julia Blackburn book With Billie is a collection of Kuehls transcriptions. Sylvia Syms, a singer and longtime friend of Holidays, comments on Holidays drug addiction: She really dug being high, but I never saw anyone with such a capacity., Its mentioned several times in the documentary that Holidays well-known drug problem and the controversy over Strange Fruit led to a conspiracy to bring her down, with the FBI involved. Theres a lingering sense that Kuehl understood something deeper, but Billie never seems all that curious to find out what that might be. That archive is where director James Erskine first began pulling . They loved it. Several people in the documentary describe Holiday as a masochist who never knew what it was like to have a healthy love relationship when she was adult. That voice. Then in the late 1960's journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie. The 2020 documentary Billie, written and directed by James Erskine, pulls together reporting done by Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who spent eight years amassing research and interviews including 200 hours of audiotape for a never-finished biography of Holiday. setTimeout(function () { Read jazz pianist Richard Fregulias review of Billie. (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; At the time, she had her own girls on the street. As much as Holiday was the first master of microphone singing, she is also a master of the camera. captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams); Culture Audience:Billie will appeal primarily to people who are interested in a raw and authentic look at Holidays life, as told by people who knew her best. In a 1971 interview, Ruby Davis, who was Holidays roommate before the singer was famous, says that Holidays nickname was Mr. Billie Holiday because she was seldom seen with fellas Her mother put it in her mind to be careful [of men] because theyll always break your heart, just like Billies father., Harry Sweets Edison, a trumpeter in the Count Basie Orchestra comments on Holiday: She was like a man, but feminine. John Simmons, who was her bass player and lover, calls her a sex machine. Music conductor Ray Ellis also comments on Holidays sex appeal: I was in love with Billie, not necessarily Billie, but somebody. [1], File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Several people in the documentary literally say in one way or another, She loved to get high. And they talk about how she had an unusually high physical tolerance for drugs that was stronger than men who were physically a lot bigger than she was. if('' == 'floating') { [11] "Police deemed it suicide, Kuehl having supposedly jumped from her hotel room, although there was no proof of this",[3] and her family believes she may have been murdered. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php For some eight years in the 1970s, Kuehl interviewed everyone she could find who had a personal association with Holiday musicians, managers, childhood friends, lovers and FBI agents among. And it seems that Holiday didnt want to settle down with anyone who was considered nice or normal., Irene Kitchen, one of Holidays friends, mentions musician Sonny White, who was briefly Holidays fianc, as nice, quiet, a very good musician Her mother and I hoped that she would marry him. resize77260663c877fb829bf(wrapper); It ' s constructed from the tapes made by of an arts journalist, Linda Lipnack Kuehl, in the 1970s. if ('' == 'left') Culture Mix Survey He was like a visitor, but she was too.. I do not see the same attention given to Miles Daviss or Charlie Parkers drug use or their abusive relationships. There are so many photos in circulation of Holiday at the end of her life when she was skeletal it might be shocking for some to realize that for most of her life she was plump. captainForm772605PreloadInterval63c877fb83722 = setInterval(function(){ } Olika andra frfattares biografier p Holiday har anvnt Kuehls . Considering the documentary is made almost exclusively of one persons previously unheard interviews, I cannot agree. Her drug problems led to her multiple arrests at the height of her fame. Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's life, but died before its completion. Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's life, but died before its completion. } Calling Holiday a chick singer is an understatement, but it is relevant that we understand how the world saw Holiday during her time and how she saw herself. Her body as usual is still as a statue; only her hands wave occasionally in small restrained circles. Talk:Linda Lipnack Kuehl - Wikipedia Talk:Linda Lipnack Kuehl This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects : Start a discussion about improving the Linda Lipnack Kuehl page Talk pages are where people discuss how to make content on Wikipedia the best that it can be. var captainformThemeStyle = {}; Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's read more. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php Viewers will see sparkling flashes of Holidays personality that render other biographies and documentaries one dimensional. The testimonies of those who knew Holiday before she became famous help make up for that deficiency. According to Ida B. Holiday's beauty and misery made her into a tragic figure to everyone except Linda Lipnack Kuehl. Her parents split up not long after getting married, and Halliday became an absentee father who remained out of his daughters life. Meanwhile, Basie doesnt offer much insight about Holiday in his interview commentary, because he claims he didnt really know what was going on when she was in his band. [4], She was a Jewish feminist[5] and a fan of Billie Holiday. Lipstick and brow pencil are the hallmark features. popupTrigger.css('visibility', 'visible'); Holidays birth name was Eleanora Fagan, and she was born to teenage parents in Philadelphia on April 7, 1915. append_element({ Kuehl died after attending a Basie concert in Washington, D.C. Luftman says that a big clue for her that it wasnt a suicide was that Kuehl had a cosmetic face mask on, which was her habit when she got ready for bed. if (document.getElementById('captainform_js_global_vars') == null) { captainformCustomVars['772605'] = ''; A 1938 portrait, when she appeared at Cafe Society in NYC with a swatch of gardenias in hair hairstyle, which from then on became her trademark. She was 38. else if ('' == 'right') if(typeof cfJsHost != 'undefined'){ Strange Fruit was banned from radio airplay in certain areas, and many venues forbid Holiday from performing the song. Kuehl's parents were Sol and Ida Lipnack and she had a sister, Myra Luftman. To find your favorite venue check here. This was one of the principal reasons why she left the band. Hammond estimates that Holidays salary with Basie was $125 a week, at the most. }, 10); View eatdrinkfilmsmags profile on Instagram, View eatdrinkfilmssos profile on Pinterest, BILLIE documentary is Actually Linda Kuehl on Billie. setTimeout(function () { Line: 24 In 1971, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday. if(typeof cfJsHost != 'undefined'){ Over the next decade, she tracked down and tape-recorded interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. The book was never completed, but the tapes have been . captainform_preload_form_popup(popupParams); [3] She worked as a high school teacher and free lance writer. clearInterval(captainForm772605PreloadInterval63c877fb82c45); But, for the most part, hes squandered it. For eight years in the 1970s, a journalist named Linda Lipnack Kuehl researched a biography of Billie Holiday, interviewing as many of the great jazz chanteuse's friends, relatives and . Linda Lipnack Kuehl (24 januari 1940 - 6 februari 1978) var en amerikansk konstjournalist med ste i New York City. jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's life, but died before its completion. They were all gathered by Linda Lipnack Kuehl, the late journalist who spent a decade in the Sixties and Seventies talking to those who knew Holiday best, conducting more than 125 interviews and . Although it may seem counterintuitive to have more audio only interviews for a film documentary instead of videos, we quickly hear the ease and genuineness in the interviewees voices. Her scholarly papers on Billie Holiday include: Two Gardenias for Civil Rights: Robin Carsons photo of Billie Holiday (read it here), This Bitter Earth: Infertility for Billie, Ella and Sarah. The audio recordings in Billie come from the archives of New York City-based journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who died by falling from a hotel in Washington, D.C., on February 4, 1978. The song she chose exposed discrimination, [by] putting it on stage., Jazz/swing singer Billy Eckstine says that one of the biggest racial inequality problems that black artists had to deal with was that their music was being controlled and judged by white people. , she was a Jewish feminist [ 5 ] and a fan Billie... /Home/Ah0Ejbmyowku/Public_Html/Application/Views/Page/Index.Php viewers will see sparkling flashes of Holidays personality that render other biographies and documentaries dimensional. York Citys Harlem neighborhood had a lot of contact with Lady linda lipnack kuehl biography of and... 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