1: Oh, Dear What Can The Matter Be? Seven old ladies got locked in the lavat'ry. . O dear, what can the matter be? O what can the matter be. And nobody knew she was there. He promised he'd bring me a bunch of blue ribbons. She hurdled the door; she'd forgotten her nickel, She shifted and jiggled to get herself comfy, Then to her dismay, she could not get her b** free, The fifth to come in, it was old Mrs. Draper, She sat herself down, and then found there was no paper, She had to clean up with a plasterer's scraper. Johnny's so long at the fair. Johnny's so long at the fair. He promised to buy me a trinket to please me And then for a smile, oh, he vowed he would tease me He promised to buy me a bunch of blue ribbons To tie up my bonnie brown hair. I just don't remember any further! The first old lady was 'Lizabeth Porter, She was the deacon of Dorchester's daughter, Went there to relieve a slight pressure of water, And nobody knew she was there. Oh, dear, what can the matter be. Oh dear, what can the matter be?Three old ladies locked in the lavatory.They were there from Monday through Saturday.Nobody knew they were there. History: This song is known as far . Audio. Oh dear what can the matter be? Because they don't visit the school. Nobody knew they were there The first old lady was old Mrs. Flynn. Oh, dear, what can the matter be. There are various parody versions around on the net ("old ladies got stuck in the lavatory" for example) but I can't find the original - about Johnny being late home from the fair. But when she got there, it was only her bladder, Dear, dear, what can the matter be? Oh, dear! Oh, dear, what can the matter be Their mystique is always endurable, With or without their gray hair. Three old ladies locked in the lavatory An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. The song, still popular as a nursery rhyme, has been endlessly parodied ("Oh, dear, what can the matter be, two old maids were locked . Two fat ladies stuck in the lavertory. And nobody knew she was there. The duration of this song is 04:34. I hear " what can be the matter" and "" what can the matter be"all of the time. Chorus: Oh dear what can the matter be?Seven old ladies got stuck in the lavatory.They were there from Sunday til Saturday. The notes by Stenhouse in the second volume of Johnson's Scots Musical Museum record a concurrent Anglo-Scottish publication. Collection. Seven old ladies got stuck in the lavatory O dear, what can the matter be? What Can the Matter Be? Original Version. And nobody knew she was there. Oh, dear, what can the matter be? Johnny bydes lang at the fair The second old lady was little Miss Humphrey. Jennifer died of cancer in 1999, aged 71; on Saturday, Clarissa died in an Edinburgh hospital aged 66. I rememberfirst one in was Elizabeth Bounder. Hame frae the Newcastle fair. what is the meaning of bokbok and poknat? Three Old Ladies Oh, dear, what can the matter be Three old ladies locked in the lavatory They were there from Monday to Saturday Nobody knew they were there The first one's name was Elizabeth . And what can the matter be. it does sometimes happen. Dear, dear, what can the matter be? Again there were differences depending on the source. I just started masturbating about 3 weeks ago, and now I masturbate 1-2 times, me and my boyfriend we talking dirty the other night and he was like i want u to sit on, how do you get rid of pigeon fleas or ticks.had pigeons nesting on my balcony and now and then had. The tune and alternate title for this song is "Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be." Went there to relieve a slight pressure of water, The first to come in was the minister's daughter. And nobody knew she was there. Season 1; Season 2; Season 3; 1997-2000. Oh, dear! O dear, what can the matter be? Oh, dear, what can the matter be, There is no particular known meaning of this rhyme. **************************************And even MORE verses courtesy of Cally Soukup! Oh, dear, what can the matter be?Seven old ladies were locked in the lavatory;They were there from Monday 'til Saturday,And nobody knew they were there. She went to relieve a slight pressure of water And nobody knew she was there. What is the subject of the sentence. She was known as a world reknowned farter So yes the song is well known across the English speaking world. Two old women got up in an apple-tree; One came down, and the other stayed till Saturday. var sc_partition=22; Oh, I just love everyday including Monday!!! An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with . I'm sure that I have heard others as well, but that makes seven. Her urge was sincere, her reaction was fickle. What can the matter be?Dear, dear! $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["6e36601e-44cf-4f78-b804-bfbdde6ee2e3"]); }). Went there to relieve a slight pressure of water, Most told the tale of how each unfortunate victim became trapped. var sc_security="867077ab"; Johnny's so long at the fair. Software. Six old maids were stuck in the lavatory, They were there from Monday till Saturday, She went in and played a sonata The stalls were all full so she pissed in the basin. The first old lady was Elizabeth Porter.She was the Deacon of Dorchester's daughter.She went to relieve a slight pressure of water,And nobody knew she was there. What Can the Matter Be?' Oh, dear! The seven old ladies their seats were adorning, But her thigh got caught twixt the bowl and the rim. Felicity Jaff's aim in writing this book is to send out he. Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, You do not have permission to delete messages in this group. Seven old ladies locked in the lavatory! Oh, dear, what can the matter be? The fourth old lady was Hildegarde Foyle.She hadn't been living according to Hoyle;Was relieved when the swelling was only a boil,And nobody knew she was there. Who knows who came up with the lavatorial lyrics. dear what can the matter be View 11 images in sequence. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. "The one people used to sing at Ham school.". matter, Seven Old Ladies was not the first parody, however. Nobody knew she was there The second old lady was . One suggested precursor to the bawdy song, recorded in William's Upper Thames collection is the following "old morris fragment":[8]. Help & FAQs Search BCF Members Groups Events Calendar: Resend my activation email: Register: Log in Cause I didn't know she was there. what can the matter be? Required fields are marked *. Women are wanting the vote. The first old lady was Jennifer Pim. O dear, what can the matter be? Not in death, but just in sleep, the fateful prophecy you'll keep. What can the matter be? var sc_remove_link=1; SheWasPoorButSheWasHonestShewaspoorbutshewashonest. Pitches: do, re, mi, fa, sol, do'. O saw ye him coming. O saw ye him coming Lyrics. I heard the following tale from someone who claimed it actually happened several years ago, Here is a screen grab from the web site of furniture retailer Funique. Home | A lower-carbohydrate, higher-fat diet reduces abdominal and inter Chords ratings, diagrams and lyrics. An illustration of an audio speaker. They were there from Sunday 'till Saturday. Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be? Lyrics, Oh Dear! He promised he buy me a bunch of blue ribbons. She went there 'cause something tickled her fancy, But when she got there it was ants in her pantsy. The opening line and the tune come from the old song Johnnys so long at the fair. Buy song $0.99. And nobody knew they were there. Oh, dear, what can the matter be? The janitor came in the early morning.He opened the door without any warning,The seven old ladies their seats were adorning,And nobody knew they were there. The first old lady was Elizabeth Porter. But still we do think that we are sadly neglected; nobody knew they were there?". (Chorus), Now another old lady was Elizabeth BenderWho was doing all right till a vagrant suspenderSomehow got caught in a feminine genderAnd nobody knew she was there. The first to come in was the minister's daughter. Turning to Google I discovered there are many variations. "What was that song about three old dears?". He promised to buy me a bunch of red roses. What can the matter be?Dear, dear! What can the matter be?Johnny's so long at the fair. 17, yahoo 9 Answers Kim 1 month ago slipper,thongsandal slipper 0 RWYFQLVUHNZO 7 days ago http://*****/ 0 , what does it mean when people say i see the world black and white? Images. O what can the matter be ", also known as "Johnny's So Long at the Fair" is a traditional nursery rhyme that can be traced back as far as the 1770s in England. Cohen's Folk Music gives a different version of the lyrics:[1]. The seventh old lady was Elizabeth Bender;She went there to repair a broken suspender.It snapped up and ruined her feminine gender,And nobody knew she was there. JavaScript is disabled. It has Roud Number 1279. And then for a kiss, oh! O saw ye him coming 1992-1995. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Seasons. The old ladies gained names such as Abigail Humphrey and Jennifer Pim. She went in to be rid of some overdue water. They visit the circus, they visit their neighbors; He'll buy me a twopenny whistle. Raph dates this version of the song to 1795, and notes that while it has been popular in the United States for over 200 years, having made its way across the Atlantic shortly after American Independence, it is really English, having achieved widespread popularity in England around 1792, from being performed as a duet at Samuel Harrison concerts. Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be. And nobody knows they are there. What can the matter be?Oh dear! They care for their parties and fancy fine collars; The next one got up, it very near drowned her. Johnny, so long at the fair. [Chorus] C Oh dear what can the matter be G7 Seven old ladies got stuck in the lavat'ry C They were there from Sunday 'til Saturday G7 C Nobody knew they were there. They care for their horses, they care for their dollars; but when she was through she could not get her bum free and nobody knew she was there. There is a rhyme in English Oh Dear! Account & Lists Returns & Orders Returns & Orders Single seater sofa? Im a Filipino too!!! The first recorded version according to Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes by Iona and Peter Opie sounds like this: O what can the matter be It shows, A while back the song "Miss Otis Regrets" came on my car radio. Three old ladies locked in the lavatory. The BBC sensation caught on across . lady?????????? Johnny?s so long at the fair. Johnny's so long at the fair Johnny's so long at the fair [Verse] He promised he'd buy her a sack of blue ribbon To tie up . Isnt that an armchair. Dear, dear, what can the matter be? Seven old ladies got locked in the lavat'ry, They were there from Sunday 'till Saturday, The first to come in was the minister's daughter, (The first was the Bishop of Chichester's daughter), She went in to pass some superfluous water, She pulled on the chain and the rising tide caught her, The stalls were all full so she p***** in the basin, And that is the water that I washed my face in. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Oh dear, what can the matter be, The first old lady was Elizabeth Porter.She was the deacon of DorchesterUs daughter.She went to relieve a slight pressure of waterAnd nobody knew she was there. . well for me its some what still sunday cuz i work graveyard so its 5:17am no sleep monday is just a time to sleep and actually monday is my friday then im off for 3 days yay!!!! Cobweb Castle - Six Pianoforte Sketches: I. An illustration of two photographs. To tie up my bonny brown hair. Chorus, The fifth old lady was Emily Clancy.She went there Ucause something tickled her fancy.But when she got there it was ants in her pantsyAnd nobody knew she was there. She went in to make herself comfy AUTHOR: unknown. Oh Dear, What Can The Matter Be? Contact Us. We know we from hunger and cold are protected; Great gran Gwyneth Coles went to spend a penny and ended up trapped in a public loo for 12 HOURS. Oh, dear, what can the matter be, Seven old ladies were locked in the lavatory, They were there from Monday till Saturday, And nobody knew they were there. Sheet Music. But when she got there, it was only her bladder,And nobody knew she was there. Identify | ," periodic events which he began in 1776. Oh, dear! Sometimes there were two of them, but most often there were seven, the mind boggled. And she stayed there far more than she ought to [Verse 1] C The first lady in was the ministers daughter G7 She was in there an hour and a quarter C She was so skinny her bum touched the water G7 C Nobody knew she was . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. What can the matter be? And saw ye him coming. And she stayed there far more than she ought to. O saw ye him coming O what can the matter be Nobody knew they were there. Cobweb Castle - Six Pianoforte Sketches: II. 0. Here is a version collected by nursery rhyme experts Peter and Iona Opie. Song: Oh, Dear, What can the Matter Be? Digital Tradition Mirror Three Old Ladies (This score available as ABC, SongWright, PostScript, PNG, or PMW, or a MIDI file) Pennywhistle notation and Dulcimer tab for this song is also available . [Chorus] C Oh dear what can the matter be G7 Seven old l He'd two big red eyes. He'll buy me a twopenny whistle. Johnny's So Long At The Fair Song - Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics for KidsOh, dear! I'm scaird tae go tae the lavatry. The title I see it under most often nowadays is SEVEN OLD LADIES, but it seems everyone who sings if has seven *different* ladies so if you put the songs all together you get a couple of dozen old ladies, each lady having her own verse and predicament. The first old lady was Elizabeth Porter;She was the deacon of Dorchester's daughter.She went to relieve a slight pressure of water,And nobody knew she was there. And nobody knew she was there. oh dear what can the matter be? Oh, dear! September 13, 2011 . Free printable and easy chords for song by Foster And Allen - Seven Old Ladies Got Locked In The Lavatory. They were there from monday to saturday. Johnnys so long at the fair. What Can The Matter Be?" by Cedarmont Kids He'll buy me a threepenny fair. And nobody knew she was there. Dear, dear, what can the matter be? Hot Cross Buns Little Tom Tittlemouse I had a little pony Doctor Foster Let us go to the wood, says this p. Who sat herself down just to make herself comfy. He promised hed buy me a fairing should please me, (1793)" Year: 1884 (1) Genre: Country: USA Oh, dear, what can the matter be? I wondered recently if this was a well known ditty, or was it something no-one else knew? What can the matter be? The song . What can the matter be? What can the matter be? Seven old ladies were locked in the lavatory, And then for a kiss, oh, he vowed he would tease me, The first to come in was the minister's daughter. Seven old ladies were locked in the lavatUry They were there from Monday Util Saturday And nobody knew they were there. Three old ladies locked in the lavatory. And nobody knew she was there. Oh dear, what can the matter be? O dear, what can the matter be? He promised to bring me a basket of posies A garland of lilies, a gift of red roses A little straw hat to set off the blue ribbons That tie up my bonnie brown hair. Oh, dear, what can the matter be? Hell buy me a threepenny fair Chappell's Popular Music dates the song to 1792, when it was first published as sheet music. She went there 'cause something was definitely the matter. To tie up my bonny brown hair. She went there 'cause something was definitely the And she stayed there far more than she ought to. The first one's name was Elizabeth Porter. Explore. I really do not wish to annoy visitors with errors of missing pages etc, but with thousands of pages, Your email address will not be published. var sc_invisible=0; He promised he'd buy me a fairing should please me, Oh dear, what can the matter be? Nobody knew they were there. Two Fat Ladies: With Clarissa Dickson Wright, Jennifer Paterson, Myrtle, David Ross. Hell buy me a Bunch o Blue Ribbons The next verse goes on to tell who they are--one is the governor's wife, etc. (x3), Johnny's so long at the fair." Johnny had promised to bring the singer various gifts, such as "blue ribbons. What can the matter be? YesI have one hell of a hang over, the old trout I have to share office with has once again got the air con onI am freezinglooks like I am smuggling peanuts and the pervy sales guy keeps trying to look down my top erghhhh! Copyright 2001-2020 by The Jack Horntip What can the matter be?Johnny's so long at the fair.He promised to buy me a trinket to please meAnd then for a kiss, oh! On his head was a dent, man; Big hairy horns, and his neck was all bent, man. Oh Dear! As I was going along, long, long Little Tommy Tucker Oh! Seven old ladies got stuck in the lavatory. An illustration of text ellipses. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com. "Oh dear, what can the matter be? WHAT CAN THE MATTER BE (Oc On Cad E Do Tarlad). Nope. The second one's name was Elizabeth Pomphrey What can the matter be?Johnny's so long at the fair.He promised he'd bring me a basket of posies,A garland of lilies, a garland of roses, A little straw hat, to set off the blue ribbons That tie up my bonnie brown hair.Oh, dear! Theyd been there from Monday to Saturday, What can the matter be? http://www.horntip.com/mp3/2000s/2000_gross_songs__peter_pan_pixie_players_(CD)/28_seven_old_ladies.htm, https://archive.org/details/78_16-old-ladies-locked-in-the-lavatory_herbi-hardt-and-his-jesters_gbia0000266a, https://archive.org/details/78_16-old-ladies-locked-in-the-lavatory_herbi-hardt-and-his-jesters_gbia0000266b. Seven old ladies were locked in the lavatory; They were there from Monday 'til Saturday, And nobody knew they were there. Parents don't visit the school. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 4 Answers Vamp 1 month ago A dishrag a piece of cloth used for doing the washing-up is, 20 Answers Anonymous 9 days ago Silly putty Checks Tigger Kangaroos 1 bumber 5 days ago Your question is issues, Its a Sally Hansen Brazillian wax kit and the strips included were cloth. The number of elderly women involved was not constant. Johnny bydes lang at the fair. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. Dear, dear, what can the matter be? Nobody knew they were there. Here are the chorus and the first two verses, of seven, as published in Ed Cray's The Erotic Muse:[1][8]. they were there from Monday to Saturday. Barney Wiki. Two old women got up in an apple-tree; One came down, and the other stayed till Saturday. Johnny's So Long At The Fair Song - Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics for KidsOh, dear! (Chorus) May 11 2022 54 mins. Question 1: Can either of these sentences be uttered as a rhetorical question? The third old lady was Amoeba Garpickle,Her urge was sincere, her reaction was fickle.She hurdled the door, she'd forgotten her nickel,And nobody knew she was there. She went inside to adjust her suspender. WHat does the saying..seeing the world black and white mean..? He'll buy me a threepenny fair. (Chorus), The last old lady was old Mrs. MasonShe had to go quick so she went in the basinAnd that was the water that I washed my face inCause I didn't know she was there. Notated Music Oh! By the Sundial. He'll buy me a threepenny fair. Oh what a shocking affair. Dear, dear! or Muses' Repository for 1792, later appearing in the James Evan's Ladies Memorandum for the Year . The last one's name was Elizabeth Carter Come, let's to bed, says sleepy-he. The third old lady was Amelia Garpickle;Her urge was sincere, her reaction was fickle.She hurdled the door; she'd forgotten her nickel,And nobody knew she was there. Oh Dear! To tye up my bonny Brown Hair. how do i get rid of pigeon ticks or fleas? Sometimes I kind of get scared! 2) Your IP or domain has been banned due to excessive downloading or some other antisocial activity. "That's it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. What can the matter be? Seven Old Ladies Oh, dear, what can the matter be Seven old ladies got locked in the lavat'ry They were there from Sunday 'till Saturday Nobody knew they were there The first to come in was the minister's daughter (The first was the Bishop of Chichester's daughter) She went in to pass some superfluous water She pulled on the chain and the rising tide caught her And nobody knew she was there . What can the matter be? The next to come in was dear Mrs. Mason. (Chorus), Now the next was the bishop of Chichester's daughterWho went in to pass some superfluous waterShe pulled on the chain & the rising tide caught herAnd nobody knew she was there. Johnny's so long at the fair. please help me A friend of mine learned it as TWO OLD LADIES. Im just curious if I can use, 4 Answers Anonymous 1 month ago Hey Filipino!!!! by Jamboree Kids on Apple Music. Variations of this traditional rhyme dates back in 1770s in England. What can the matter be? selena gomezs real phone number!!!!!!!!!!! What can the matter be? She prided herself on being quite thin, But when she sat down, the poor dear fell in. Comments. A garland of lillies, a garland of roses. Use. Oh, dear, what can the matter be? The tune and alternate title for this song is "Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be." Oh, dear! The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes by Iona and Peter Opie traces this song back to an earlier folk ballad, recorded between 1770 and 1780, whose lyrics are:[2][3][4], O what can the matter be What's the matter with him? He'll buy me a Bunch o' Blue Ribbons Oh, dear, what can the matter be? Point one, the poem is of the seventeenth century. They were there from Monday to Saturday Chorus: Oh, dear, what can the matter be? The janitor came in early one morning.He opened the door without any warning.The seven old ladies their seats were adorningAnd nobody knew they were there. It is a name. Download: PDF JPEG JPEG (3366x4299px) JPEG (1683x2149px) JPEG (210x268px) TIFF Go References. Chorus: Oh, dear, what can the matter be. what does i feel like a limp dishrag mean? In the Owl's Turret. "Seven Old Ladies" is a song by Foster & Allen. The song is a traditional English folk song that parodies the 16th-century traditional nursery rhyme 'What Can the Matter Be?', using its chorus melody as a base. What Can the Matter Be? Nobody knew they were there. (The first was the Bishop of Chichester's daughter) She went in to pass some superfluous water. He promised he'd bring me a bunch of blue ribbons. Listen Now . The seventh old lady was Agatha Bender,She went there to repair a broken suspender,It snapped up and ruined her feminine gender,And nobody knew she was there. 4. And saw ye him coming Johnny bydes lang at the fair, Hell buy me a twopenny whistle What can the matter be?Oh dear! The second old lady was Abigail Splatter,She went there 'cause something was surely the matter.When she got there, it was only her bladder,And nobody knew she was there. Hello, sign in. The _______ old lady was old Mrs. Bender. And then for a smile, oh, he vowed he would tease me. And nobody knew she was there. (Chorus). Must be another one of those differences between British English and United States English. She went in to be rid of some overdue water Women have reared all the sons of the brave Women have shared in the burdens they gave Women have labored this country to save That's why we're wanting to vote Oh dear what can the matter be Dear dear what can the matter be Oh dear what can the matter be Why should men get every vote? Subject: Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be From: anne@cbc.topnz.ac.nz Date: 15 Oct 96 - 06:10 PM I am trying to find a song we used to sing as a kids. O what can the matter be. two fat ladies stuck in a lavatory. 1) You tried to access a site folder directly without going via the normal links on the site. The number of elderly women involved was not constant. SamMacColl | SamuelHall | Schnooglin' | TheSeaCrab | TheSewingMachine | TheSexualLifeoftheCamel | SheWasPoorButSheWasHonestShewaspoorbutshewashonest | TheShip'sInTheHarbor | Snapoo | SoundOff | TheSoldier&Sailor | Stackolee | TheSterilizedHeiress | StrawberryBlonde | StuckinLavatory | SuzanneWasaLady On Songs of the Suffragettes. Im very pleased with it and hope you like it. The second old lady was Abigail Splatter. <-- More common. | What's New | Lyrics request, Privacy Policy | DMCA Policy | Contact us. it was the same water the next washed her face in and nobody knew they were there. Here is one from Raymond Crooke. The sixth old lady was extremely fertile,Her name was O'Connor, the boys called her Myrtle,She went there to repair a hole in her girdle,And nobody knew she was there. O saw ye him coming. O what can the matter be old playground ditty we used to sing. Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady said: We need to know what you mean, SleepyMutt. What does it mean? Chorus, The second old lady was Abigail SplatterShe went there Ucause something was surely the matterBut when she got there, it was only her bladder.And nobody knew she was there. To tie up my bonny brown hair. [7][8], The song has been parodied several times, the best known of which is the American bawdy song "Seven Old Ladies", sung to the same tune but with different lyrics. Turning to Google I discovered there are many variations. Nobody knew they were there, AllTheLyrics.com Oh. The seventh old lady was Elizabeth Bender; She went there to repair a broken suspender. (Instrumental) Children's Favorite Songs Karaoke. Monday is just another day to me. I've no been since two weeks last Saturday. Maryland: Smithsonian-Folkways . DESCRIPTION: "Oh dear, what can the matter be? It is track #3 from the album Songs of Love and Laughter that was released in 2007. Long before that parody, the song had been parodied for political purposes. He vowed he would tease me, He promised he'd buy me a bunch of blue ribbons, To tie up my bonny brown hair. (Chorus), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oh_Dear!_What_Can_the_Matter_Be%3F&oldid=1132563659, This page was last edited on 9 January 2023, at 13:24. He promised to buy me a trinket to please me. They were there from Sunday to Saturday "What" is the contraction for "What is". In virtue and knowledge our minds are directed; I wanted to show the word order. THE MOST COMMON REASONS FOR GETTING THIS ERROR ARE: 0) Another site attempted to highjack content from this site for its own purposes; solution: My mammy says he sounds just like the rent man, But I know whos hiding in there. An nobody knew they were there. Seven old ladies locked in the lavat'ry. It can really fall on any day of the week, but I am having one of those seasons, i think. 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