You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. Elias is the Aramaic form of the Biblical Elijah. As the platoon departs on helicopters, Taylor witnesses the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) gun down Dafoe's character; a moment which ultimately fuels the final act conflict. It doesn't kill Elias and he leaves him for dead as we later see. Who leads a platoon in the Army? Through all his experiences, Chris has come to learn the true nature of war. Remember what it looks like. The conflict ends with Barnes ready to kill Taylor, an inexperienced soldier who seemingly doesn't pose a major threat to his standing within the U.S. Army. Edit, Rhah and O'Neill are the only prominent characters left, as neither got so much of a scratch in the final battle. I cant believe we are fighting each other when we should be fighting them. By the end of the film, Chris moral integrity has deteriorated to the point where he is able to kill Sgt. Political unrest in the Philippines almost shut down production. Through voiceover narration, Taylor explains his experiences through letters home to his grandmother and eventually proves himself to be the most morally righteous of the main characters. Elias; In the films climatic battle, instead of relying on the safety of his foxhole, Chris leaves to engage the enemy in hand to hand combat; Ultimately, he ends up murdering Sgt. One needs to learn from the past to do well in war. He had some trouble with the law, his vision went to sh*t, and he changed his name to Ricky "Wild Thing" Vaughn. Barnes flicks his gaze to Elias. BARNES: What the hells matter with you Taylor! User Ratings Top 4 Reasons the Property Management Companies are Thriving. Hawaiian kid, seen lighting building in village scene. Chris focuses on his intuition that enlisting in the Vietnam War will provide him with what he needs to feel he is a real man. Captain. At this point, Chris is beginning to develop a stronger sense of moral conviction in reaction to the shocking and appalling actions of his fellow platoon members. CHRIS: Proofs in his eyes. Fortunately for Sheen's character, though, he can at least walk. All gave some during the Vietnam War, and some gave all. Thats a good Gook, good and dead. Understanding how networked the entire area has become and how hidden and well stocked the Viet Cong are serve as forewarnings that support the consequence. If the state of the platoon wasnt bad enough, now theyre forced to face impossible odds. At the end, we see an entire regiment used as bait to draw out the larger Viet Cong regiment. When Sgt. Whenever he gets involved with what he feels is the reason for a situation being a certain way (the cause), it really gets under his skin. I saw his eyes when he came back in From the very first scene of the film, as black rubber body bags are loaded onto planes that have just unloaded new recruits, Americas success in the war is put into question. Barnes. Barnes orders the rest of the platoon to retreat, and goes back into the jungle to find Elias' group. CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. They drove me crazy with their goddamn world, Grandma, you know Mom, I dont want to be a white boy on Wall Street, I dont want my whole life to be predetermined by them. Barnes. None of this sits well with Sgt. Edit, Night AmbushPvt Tex (WIA): Has hand blown off by Sgt. Aint no time or need for a courtroom out here(Stone, p. 60) He totters slightly as he circles the outer edge of the hutch. Six of you boys against me. You got no proof man. He was the chief prophet and messenger of God in the Jewish faith. At the village, Sgt. Barnes as a role model and leader makes a significant impact on the men in the platoon, including Chris. He volunteers for the war because he wants to experience his own life, not just observe it like other middle-class college boys (Denby 86). Elias, who has learned from experience, knows what to do when his platoon is about to be set up in an ambush. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. Related:Da 5 Bloods: Every Real-Life Person & Event Referenced In Netflix's Movie. The inhumane, merciless treatment Barnes carries out shocks Chris and rekindles his conscience and sense of morals. Immediately upon arriving in country, Chris realizes the stark reality of war in Vietnam is quite contrary to his beliefs. CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. Reference: Quiz: "Platoon" - The Movie . Huh. And I ain't gonna allow that in any of you. Gallery Progress for the platoon continues in a devastating downward spiral. However, soldiers were strictly forbidden to touch any objects they found in the field that seemed out of place or important. Like everybody else. Tips to avoid the fake and spam followers. | When you know you know. KING: Way out of anything, man. When the platoon does see action on the all night ambush, Chris and Gardner are obviously insufficiently prepared for combat, which results in Gardner being killed, Tex losing his arm, and Chris getting shot. Maybe I can see something I dont yet see, or learn something I dont yet know (Stone, p.14) And so everything looks and feels relatively normal given the circumstances. After doing so, he commences to beat and kill the innocent civilians. I saw his eyes when he came back in Another instance that illustrates how Chris looks at the war from an overall, holistic standpoint is in the last conversation he has with King: And we are finally left with not only the platoon, but almost the entire 25th infantry, overrun by the enemy sustaining enormous loss of lives. When Chris reflects upon the village and the murder of Elias, he is able to gain the same enlightenment, yet his killing of Barnes in cold blood detracts from any progress hes made toward self-fulfillment. BARNES: What you waiting for? Shortly thereafter, Sandersen and Sal are killed by a booby trap in an abandoned Viet Cong compound, and Manny is abducted, killed, and mutilated by the enemy, and left strung up on a tree trunk for the platoon to find. What's with the booby trap that kills Sal and Sanderson? Barnes finds Elias alone and shoots him, then returns and tells Chris that Elias was killed by the enemy. Promoted to Staff Sergeant (Platoon Sergeant): at end of film.Pvt Rhah (Survives): Given command of Elias's squad and seen waving at film end. He is stoic, cold and brutal, doesn't care for any others than himself - and that includes his own soldiers and country. They are the internal moral pillars all humans have that determine whether man's innate capacity for evil is realized or not. First Cavalry (Stone, p. 72) Sgt. Barnes believes that Chris fell asleep during his watch, allowing the enemy to sneak up on the platoon. The light of the moon. Warren when Lerner is being worked on by the Doc. Barnes is running the platoon. Elias runs up to him. O'Neil's RTO.Pvt Big Harold (WIA): Has leg blown off by booby trap.Crawford (WIA): Surfer dude. CHRIS: He killed him. Elias Gordon (1936-January 2, 1968) was a US Army Sergeant during the Vietnam War. After Sgt. Remember what it looks like. Sgt Barnes, Elias' sadistic staff sergeant, was in direct contrast to Platoon's main character. I guess having always been sheltered and special, I just want to be anonymous. Optionlock Susanna", written by Stephen Collin Foster in 1847 or 1848. Edit, Yes, it was likely meant as an ironic statement by the tank crew. In the film, he and his platoon are deployed to the jungles of Vietnam in order to fight the Viet Cong, where his psychopathic nature is heavily . He uses this theory to try to convince others in the platoon that Sgt. CHRIS: He killed him. Hollywood is filled with stories about directors burning through numerous takes to get the exact moment theyre looking for. (Stone, P. 24) Barnes possesses the unique ability to pressure Chris and others in the platoon to think a certain way. Despite US military opposition and the rumblings of revolution in the Philippines, Stone was able to film his movie, and the jungle provided the perfect backdrop from Elias mad dash from the North Vietnamese troops who were pursuing him. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. (Stone, p. 95) I know he did. Barnes seems to think he owns an exclusive insight to death. The value of human life and what it is worth is the thematic conflict waged between Chris and Sgt. In that sense, the film can be interpreted literally or metaphorically, as one could argue that Sheen's character doesn't literally kill his superior at the end, but rather imagines himself getting revenge. Another example is when he explains to the men in the head that he killed Elias because he couldnt and wouldnt tolerate a man that doesnt follow orders, he is warning them to follow orders or they will suffer the same fate as Elias did. Forces are situated, definitely implies the platoon will soon suffer the consequences of failure. I am reality. Conversely, there are several times when the actions and beliefs Barnes embraces provokes Chris to evaluate Barnes worth to the platoon and acts as a catalyst in the tension between the two. Tonight. Edit. Even though he didnt see Barnes actually shoot Elias, or has any physical proof of the crime, Chris still knows Barnes murdered Elias. The U.S. regiment is completely overrun. Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. Barnes, who drives Chris and the platoon hard throughout the jungle hikes. Maybe I can see something I dont yet see, or learn something I dont yet know (Stone, p.14) Meanwhile, Taylor loses friends within the platoon after preventing the rape of a Vietnamese woman. While there, the cast also trained to be soldiers with Marine veteran and friend of WATM,Capt. Car-15. This sight directly contradicts Sgt. How many days you short? Elias Elias and Barnes have the same title but couldn't be more different. The success of Mao Tse-tungs communist revolution in China strengthened Americas support of the French in Vietnam. His wisdom in understanding the unfair pattern established by society and the government to favor him, while subjecting the less fortunate to the lions share of military duty bothers Chris and provokes him to enlist in the service. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. Sergeant Barnes is the first sergeant in Chris platoon. Written and directed by Oliver Stone. His wounds deprived him of his biggest dream which was going to West Point, so instead he became an actor. During Platoons climax, Willem Dafoes Sgt Elias is chased and fired upon by North Vietnamese Army (NVA) troops. The others in the platoon view the experienced Sgt. reinbold and pfeffer funeral home obituaries; Search. Events that have already happened are used as a yardstick to measure the progress toward the goal. Out here assholes, ya keep your shit wired tight at all times! As it turns out, Francis stabbed himself as a strategic wartime move. Chris takes his hunches and transforms them into theorieshe tries to take his emotional feelings and sensations and apply logic to them. Barnes conceives of killing Chris as a means of eliminating anyone whos a threat of implicating him in the murder of Elias. We just dont add up to a rats ass. Lt. You dont sleep on no fucking ambush! Sanderson either ignored this rule or felt that because he'd been able to open the box that it wasn't booby-trapped (as often the explosives are set to detonate when opening the box). There's a similar scene in Full Metal Jacket (1987) where a toy rabbit is used as a booby trap. Throughout the film, we see how Chris is thematically focused on the events he experiences and sees, and is able to pull out the really relevant and meaningful parts which gives him wisdom beyond his years. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. As Dafoe dashed through the uneven terrain, he knew the locations of the squibs and the controlled detonations some of which failed to explode, but the audiencecant tell. CHRIS: He killed him. It leaves us with the ominous impression that this is definitely a war America is losing. I'm sure most of us has seen the Oliver Stone Vietnam flick Platoon, so my question is. CHRIS(V.O. Edit, Yes, and it's probably a composite of several of them.
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