Less is more in this case. Call the coonabarraban police talk to the old cops. Hi bunyiper , welcome to the forum. Truckers reported seeing her at night, an eerie figure in their headlights. There have been numerous sightings of the creature, which reportedly looks like a giant hairy ape-type beast, along the east coast of Australia. "That was a game changer. Was it an enraged Yowie? It doesn't rely on the monster too much and uses the outback as a scary character. Apeman (TSITP) is real hidden Aussie gem! Interesting account of your sighting. Samurai Chatter: Have you used it in the field. His primary concern was some 75 miles of the Newell Highway between Coonabarabran and Narrabri through the Pilliga Forest Preserve. There were no placental mammals (except bats) in Australia until the aborigines showed up with their dingoes 40,000 years ago or so. As a massive found-footage fan, I've listed every found footage movie ever made, over 500+ total. Another farmer was approached You lot need to get ya head out ya bums. No drama we dont wsnt people to believe us its cool when you get s look at one or a cassowary or big deer . It appeared by Dion Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:30 am, Unread post All I can say is that after listening to this in the safety of my motel room some 400 miles away from the forest and recalling everything I had heard about the Pilliga I looked under the bed before getting in. AYR - Yowie Controversial, Conjecture and Fringe Subject Matter Discussion, AYR - Extraterrestrials & The UFO Phenomenons. Yea agree try a night having dead animals thrown at your camp tell me hes nuts. This has entered Australian late night lore. Well, after he told me what it looked like, I was quite happy to start work a bit later in the morning and make sure I finished well before dark! by Moree Ed Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:51 am, Unread post But the story does not stop here. I guess it is similar to the Yo/Y'all/Biatch/ Tramp Stamp routine I see all the time on these forums but it is still embarrassing none the less. But Im new in these parts, what do I know. On the Gold Coast a hiker saw a 12 ft creature content to keep to itself until now. Bathurst West Public School is Inner Regional school in Bathurst, New South Wales. to follow my example. He says that a heavy thump against the side of his bus as he approached the creek did cause a brief unnerving moment and there was a good deal of excitement amongst his young passengers. Two blokes with some camo gear on fiddling with some gear in the boot of their car, and their xbread bully. Mel, back on her spooky sh*t, scares the bejesus out of Josie with some terrifying tales of NSW's Pilliga Princess, a real-life woman who is now believed to haunt the Newell Highway. Well I guess we could be Wallys too in the way you were using the word but I kinda got mixed up a bit which fits very well now that I think about it. Just a big animal. A Yowie is an apelike creature with no neck likened to Big Foot or the Yeti. Darragee . Others driving through the area claim to have seen Min Min lights a light that floats above the horizon and follows you across the land. They will tell it how it is or go visit hickeys falls. Have you met bongo? Thank you for sharing it with us. If you are passing thru Coonabarabran or Narrabri, there are some really nice areas to visit near Baradine. I bet if cliff got a prank call at 2am he would say it was probably a bigfoot pretending to be a person.. he is just as bad as simpleton Bobo and Moneymaker Matt.. neither have seen bigfoot, they just say they have, this impresses cliff&he wants to see one so accepts there lies and palms off there crap as fact.. at least Rannae has an open mind, the other 3 have bigfoot on the brain, Once it happens you lose doubt and kinda realise its just s big bush ape that hides good. Somehow I really doubt the aborigines gave a boat ride to a Yowie. Natural History Museum near Katoomba, and Australia's leading Authority on Yowies. He said his hair turned white after the experience, in a matter of minutes, and that he spent the next 20 years in a mental institution after the trauma. The indigenous people of NSW avoided the Pilliga scrub because they claimed there was a dark spirit occupying the area. Comunidad. She is said to have a mop of wild white hair, and even glowing eyes, according to some reports. Its grasses have been eaten and its soils pulverised, its timber ringbarked and wood-chipped. The Assumption Catholic Primary School is Inner Regional school in Bathurst, New South Wales. The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare tread, content to keep to itself. Known by various names like kianpraty, they all mean evil spirit. actually participating in the search for such creatures. If I kind in hanryu,it gives ms a graph showing me that there are more yahoo individuals looking up for that specific niche term. They started bellowing and woke him up. His encounter was definitely not a hoax. Australian truckers see some of the emptiest places in the country. 98 Me gusta. of the Australian Yowie Research Center, Katoomba. Pilliga means 'Swamp Oak' and the Pilliga Forest (or Pilliga Scrub) is an Aussie icon and includes Pilliga Nature Reserve, Timmallallie National Park, Pilliga West, and East State Conservation Areas. Copyright Coonabarabran t Rex Gilroy 2009. They appear to have been more concerned about Bunyips than Yowies and found them quite credible. All Rights Reserved, Report a Yowie sighting from anywhere in Australia. we'd love to hear from you below The Pilliga seemed quite a lovely wooded area as we drove through despite it being the haunt of Yowies and ghostly princesses. You are correct about the placental mammals though. preparing music and song based on the Yowie legend, Yowie Sighting Sparks Continuing Controversy, Entire Web site Rex & Heather Gilroy 2008 | URU Publications Rex & Heather Gilroy. Publicaciones. CREDITS: htt Ver ms de The Pilliga Yowie en Facebook. The Original Yowie Man. All rights reserved. A recent sighting of what appeared to be a hairy creature lurking in the Pilliga has Baradine residents wondering if there is some truth to the primeval legend of the yowie. The writer, Erich Von Daniken suggests that the indigenous peoples were visited by extra-terrestrials as the only explanation for these massive creatures found in rock paintings. Scared me right into baby mode. by bassplyr Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:56 am, Unread post Plus, a bonus Pilliga Yowie story which will give you nightmares! It is interesting to note that people have gone missing out in the scrub and no trace of them has ever been found, commented Roy Matthews. Facebook. He said, "Stories The Pilliga Forest is about 500 square miles of scrub and juniper woodland. The Yowie is about 9 foot tall,about 450-500 kilos, solid build, unusual long arms, dark brown / black long hair all over, walks on 2 feet just like a man. On the whole it's easily in front of other found footage and Bigfoot films for many reasons. The number one Yowie / Bigfoot Research Forum in the World. One by gregvalentine Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:15 pm, Unread post Aboriginal stories of the Dreamtime include stories of the Bunyip. Coincidentally, the youngsters had been listening to some hair-raising Pilliga tales related to them by local residents, Roy Matthews, Ronnie Magann and Pat Madden. AYR. excited about these and other unexplained mysteries and want to read all the hominids' in remote hidden regions of the world has been called the "last World's Only 24/7 Bigfoot News Blog: Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments. Iniciar sesin. until now. Here at Braun Transport, weve put together some spooky legends from an isolated area. Sold by halloweenandhobby. It's safer to drive on sealed roads at night instead of unsealed roads. Back then Wooleybah boasted a thriving mill, a school and a great community that sold pine all . For many years drivers reported seeing a white haired woman dressed in a fishing hat and an old army coat pushing her processions in a shopping trolley along the Newell Highway and some of the unpaved tracks of the region. Just a few years ago a group of tourists reported finding giant ape-like footprints in road side bush in the Pilliga just off the Newell Highway. Rex Gilroy with two of the three plaster casts made from tracks found at a remote Numinbah Valley (QLD) by Mr Craig Turner . The Yowie also plays a role for tourism and the local economy in the area - many business and council websites in the region mention the Yowie. Listen to it; judge this slice of Australian folklore for yourself. During the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"..George Orwell. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. Youri is believed to be the term that Yowie came from. He said "Truckies wont stop The audio quality in the old interview was semi corrupted and we needed the re-record because it's such a good story. Australia's Leading Authority on The Yowie. Yowies and Bunyips are a real phenomenom, ask anyone who has spent any amount of time in the Australian bush. It has 475 students enrolled and 23 teachers. by bassplyr Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:37 am, Unread post Cheers seasoned hunter.au. Their descriptions of the entire animal might be a front end like a kangaroo and a hind end of a platypus. Comparison of two recently taken Yowie Yowies, Bunyips and Mysterious Tales from the PilligaForest. Overnights devoted the program to strange happenings in the bush and outback by sending the usual host of the show Trevor Chappell out to the Pilliga to look for Yowies. THE PILLIGA MONSTER, Is it legit is a TV Pilot of an Australian Yowie Documentry - Yowies in the PilligaThis is a Pilot episode of a new Australian mystery TV series IS IT LEGIT following award-winning Radio \u0026 TV Presenter Alo Baker and his brother in law Ben Peacock on their search to discover the truth about the Pilliga Monster or better known as the Australian YOWIE.from the famous Hickeys Falls case as origionally reported by the Australian Yowie Research team near Coonabarabran NSW to the Pilliga this documentary follows the boys as they interview eye witnesses from key sightings and spend time in the notoriously famous Pilliga Scrub in outback NSW Australia In this episode we dig deeper on the mysterious stories of The Pilliga Yowie (The Pilliga scrub Monster) reenact stories and camp in the OFF LIMITS Pilliga forest in the search for the Yowie (Bigfoot) Special thankyou to Australian Yowie Research for providing further details on this expeditionv - yowiehunters.com.au Have you seen a Yowie? Cambelltown, NSW -- Tracks of what may be Mainpage. Yowiehunters Witness Audio Reports writes "The is a re-interview by Sarah, of an Interview we did back in 1999. by bunyiper Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:27 am, Unread post There are stories of many strange occurrences and even talk of yowies, but one phenomenon has been reportedly sighted many times. A cracking read, I quite enjoyed that, but then I do love stories of real people, particularly my countrymates. Please Join -. available literature about them. Fuck that i didnt know i had those nerves . Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Keyword discovery is a fantastic tool to understand a rough estimate of online search engine percentage of traffic related to a particular keyword. of the 1800's.". Porn and hoaxing are best left to Americans. http://www.brauntransport.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/highway-at-sunset.jpeg, http://www.brauntransport.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo.jpeg, Copyright 2017 | All Rights Reserved | Braun Transport | Web Design By Agility Squared. People are naturally The village is within Narrabri Shire local government area . An Edu back links is thought about to be among the most superior back links that can easily get. The search for surviving 'relict I like his story though.. uncle chop chop RIP he said never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn Bongo just taking his advice hows happy day stay treating ya bongo hahaha, Hes there because some yowi tried to take him ? The outback is arguably to scariest character of them all! by Dion Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:17 pm, Unread post As we approached the Pilliga National Forest the countryside was greener, there were more trees. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. - Nikola Tesla. Most people think that Yowie & Friends was named after the Pilliga yowienot so! Inicio. :) Reply Then my brother told me the story of Bongo. Research Center and Australasian Relict Hominid's Research Center The Bunyip in this video looks more like a yowie with no legs. Greg) If that is supposed to be a photo of the actual sighting, which I am not sure if it is or not, or is it a re-creation; it looks-if it is real from the night, an image of a normal walking person; judging by the legs. AYR. Listen to his voice and who phones a radio station & instantly says they are in a loony bin ?. The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare tread, content to keep to itself until now. Dams are dotted all through the scrub, full of yabbies, and water the many native and feral creatures that inhabit the thick forest. Please Join - Australian Yowie. Copywritten 1965-2002 and beyond: The Author Rex Gilroy, Plaster Casts of 8ft Yowies' prints made by TheBlackStump Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:17 pm, Unread post My brother who is the most logical and sensible person kept mentioning getting through The Pilliga as early as possible and well ahead of any really bad weather. The Pilliga is famous for its crazy weather and the closer we get the wilder it becomes. It was the early 1900's, that The Underwood family built a sawmill in Wooleybah, to cut the famously termite-resistant white cypress pine of the mighty Pilliga Scrub. Tom and Bernie Underwood have called the Pilliga Forest home their entire lives. However, there are reported cases where Yowie like creatures are the violent and fearsome beasts that the Aborigines feared. I would think they have to have their bloaks who are tall tale givers. There appeared to be two calling to each other from a big distance. Yowies have been described as the counterpart of the Yeti or Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas and the Sasquatch or Bigfoot, of north-western America. This event occurred in 2010 at a location called Hickeys Falls, which is just south of Coonabarabran and linked to the notorious Pilliga Forest in New . As we filled up the gas tank along the way he reminded me often that it is essential never to have less than half a tank of gas when travelling in the outback. (LogOut/ Was about 1992-3 when I moved out west to Coonamble on the SW edge of the great Pilliga scrub. to be the founder of yowie research in Australia, and to have encouraged others Although the image was fleeting and nobody could describe exactly what they saw, the incident adds mystery to a story that has its roots in Aboriginal folklore. by Dion Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:45 am, Unread post Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He says he was nearly killed by a yowie on two occasions, first in Ormeau in the Gold Coast hinterland and again in Kilkivan near Gympie. Peace, Cliff from finding bigfoot is a fool&believes just about anything anyone tells him, he tries to come across as all methodical and professional and then starts telling us about the habbits of the squatch& how the land could easily support these creatures as if that is proof of there existence.A heard elephants or a pride of lions may well be able to survive there, but it dont mean they live there.Are cliff and Bobo romantically connected, i doubt you would find a more compatible couple, y dont yall just accept there is no yowie no bigfoot fuckin hell. This is more frequent where non-indigenous settlement has been less dense, particularly in Central Australia and the Top End. This fellow has a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock mate which is our way of saying he is a few cents short of a dollar or has lost his marbles. Great encounter, thanks for sharing, I imagine it would of blown your mind to actually see something that is not supposed to exist. '' The Assumption Catholic Primary School Information, contact and reviews of The Assumption Catholic Primary School in Bathurst. Anyway Von Daniken believed that any depiction by early man of anything vaguely resembling R2D2, 3CPO or someone with a bag over their head, had to be visiting spacemen. Near cooroo lands up qld. because certain weird and unexplained things have been happening up there. There are lots of massive fossils from the time when wombats the size of rhinos roamed Australia. Bloody cynical, closed minded debunkers really sh*t me. He also mentioned that this area of western New South Wales is known for its strange happenings and strange creatures. We wouldnt either. Katoomba, NSW--The recent anxiety among truck drivers Google Gondwana land my friend, Australia wasn't always an Island. He said it was a terrible looking thing; like a big gorilla with a large head resembling three porcupines tied together. It's also not hard to follow. In summer these 'dry thunderstorms' start fires. One night in March, 1993 she was hit and killed while crossing the highway. State Yowies / Yowies Of Katoomba / Western New South Wales Yowies, Yowies Whether or not there is a such a creature as a Yowie in the Pilliga Forest has always been a hot topic for controversial debate in Baradine.But, although the infamous creature has successfully hidden for thousands of years, it should be remembered that the Pilliga Yowie, whether fact or fiction, is certainly doing its bit towards putting the forest on the tourist map. of the "Yowie". If you run into trouble you have enough gas to get back to where you started. Highway go back to the 1870's with newspaper reports of a creature seen by a There were no placental mammals (except bats) in Australia until the aborigines showed up with their dingoes 40,000 years ago or so. There would have to be liars and hucksters there, in Russia, China and America because if not? Sculptures in the Bush are excellent. (LogOut/ We felt we were being watched and I think we got back in record time! NPWS ranger and excursion organiser, Montgomery, related the story about a mysterious disappearance of a whole One day we were forced to leave the truck and walk back home through the forest. We planned to cover about 700 miles. My brother because of his travels and his work that keeps him on call 24/7 is often awake in the early hours of the morning. Another account says she was trying to catch a lift with a truck going the opposite direction. Other times they were saber toothed. Below is Turramulli the Quinkin found in a cave in Queensland. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. on The Yowie, Rex Gilroy with two of the three plaster But this was not the only reason. The Pilliga Princess Many truckers and other travellers report seeing an apparition of an old woman walking along the road pushing a trolley of bags. Yowie researcher Dean Harrison has described his too-close encounters with the mysterious apelike creature, which is comparable to the North American Sasquatch or the Himalayan yeti. Most truckers are pretty tough people, but those whove heard the legends choose not to stay there overnight. in a rainforest watching him from trees outside Level 11 Tower B Zenith Centre 821 Pacific Hwy CHATSWOOD New South Wales. She reports that she had a brief glimpse of a wild looking hairy figure running towards the bus. The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare . What a bunch of Wally's. government wagonette driver. by Shazzoir Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:24 am, Unread post Cheers, Americans are the biggest liars, even there non existent animals have to be bigger than the rest.. take the yeti it is suppose to be 6 ft tall and weigh 200-250lbs, then the yowie 7-8 foot tall 400-500 lbs, then you got the Yankee bigfoot 9-10 ft tall and 700-800lbs.Finding bigfoot in Ausralia you have that simpleton Cliff explaining the surgical cuts on the guy who had his goats supposedly killed by a yowie, could not have been done by people.. Wtf an animal has supposedly been taken, had its guts slit, organs and brain removed and that evidence suggests it was not done by people lol i almost wet myself at that stupid comment.If you had your goats taken in the night from your farm&found them the next day 14 ft up in a tree with there organs and brains removed, what would you think could have done this? NO Bigfoot!! Many truckers and other travellers report seeing an apparition of an old woman walking along the road pushing a trolley of bags. In Australia / And Then There Were Giants / Gorilla-Giants Of Katoomba, Eastern No fly screens, just open doors and windows to combat the heat. Dare. motorist who has stopped his car for a rest and sighted a hairy apelike creature There was only one other car outside the pub. I dare you or anyone to go spend a night there. It was some time around 1986/87. Today the Yowie is thought of as a shy woodland creature that as time goes on more and more resembles Big Foot. 4 talking about this. Why is he nuts?ive seen this shit first hand . Since her death there have been reports from drivers including those not familiar with the tale, who stop in Narrabri or Coonabarrabran to report having seen an elderly woman walking on the highway pushing either a shopping cart or a perambulator filled with bags. He recently took further plaster casts of footprints in the Jamieson Valley All the Following Yowie Evidence casts made from tracks found at a remote Numinbah Valley (QLD) by Mr Craig Turner. If you didn't like it I'd say you need to watch it again because the more you do the better it gets as you learn more details. Violent 'scuds' pound us with rain then scorch us with sunshine. It was something I did not want to run into, but I have heard about people who have. It is located near the Pilliga Forest, which supports a rich assortment of bird life and a significant timber harvesting industry. Piss off eggs.i know bongo he was normal b4 it. But sometimes theyre not so empty. Things take a sinister turn when a l See production, box office & company info. Yowie-type creatures are common in the legends and stories of Australian Aboriginal tribes and the mid to late 19th century saw a wealth of sightings; most describing a large, gorilla-like creature living in mountainous or forested regions. Just ignore the idiots, no matter where they are from. But there can be nothing more exciting than Footprint casts with normal human footprint. He said, "The The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare tread, content to keep to itself until now. Am i nuts too? one summers day i saw bigfoot in pilliga. Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 7:23:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 9:08:00AM PST, Monday, October 8, 2012 at 8:42:00PM PDT, Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 5:53:00AM PDT, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 10:22:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 10:52:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 11:09:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 11:21:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 3:53:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 6:08:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 6:20:00PM PST, Monday, September 3, 2012 at 1:17:00AM PDT, Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 2:31:00AM PDT, Monday, October 8, 2012 at 8:37:00PM PDT, Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 6:20:00AM PDT, Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 5:21:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 1, 2013 at 6:07:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 1, 2013 at 6:18:00PM PST, Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 6:12:00PM PST, Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 4:04:00AM PST, Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 11:28:00PM PDT, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 3:20:00AM PDT, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 9:40:00AM PDT, http://wiki-school21.edukovrov.ru/index.php/Row_Your_Business_With_Free_Keyword_Research_Tools, Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 9:02:00PM PDT. Must be a slow news day in BF land if you have to resort to running stories like this.One of the better enjoyments we have in this country is watching the shenanigans that you BF folk get up over there. Tune in at 14:35. I had a man working for me some years ago who said he had seen a yowie out here and there was no way he was staying out in the forest after dark. They are also known as dollagari, thoolagari, jarrawara and tjangara. Its from the script of Mad Max 5: Beyond Yowiedome. Then there is the more recent report from a Sydney motorist who had stopped his car in the Pilliga for a rest and sighted a hairy ape-like creature about 10 feet tall watching him from nearby bush. Yowie's aside, the Pilliga Forest has been long recognised as one of the most important areas for biodiversity in eastern Australia, home to at least 300 native animal species and over 900 plant species. by MrLittleFoot Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:54 pm, Unread post by Moree Ed Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:51 pm, Unread post It's like an ape features but it looks like it has a long fringe of hair all over face. Accurate drawing is a reconstruction There's Something In The Pilliga (TSITP) is a standout among found footage films. This board is open for all matters and discussions pertaining to the Australian Yowie. I would be asking individuals questions separately. Est 1997, Unread post The song The Bunyips Going to Get You still elicits fear in those kids now grown up 35 years later. Sometimes they were part emu, or crocodile. Plot Summary:The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare tread, content to keep to itself. Two guys meet two girls at a pub in outback Australia on New Year's Eve and talk them into a drive to see their friend in the woods. Our Aborigines have been talking about them for centuries, they are a deeply spiritual race who don't invent stories for the amusement of dopey whites. www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtrYO-Mog60. There wwere land bridges 12,000 years ago and before connecting australia with asia,a bipedal animal could have easily migrated all over the globe hence the sighting. Acdc - Let There Be Rock - Framed Pop Art Reprint. Pilliga Yowie Search- New South Wales-1980. drivers in that area. The Producer Michael Pavlich was at the mike taking calls and reports from Trevor out in the pitch dark in the Pilliga, when he received the call from one Bongo. Because we were going to be travelling all night ( we lefted straight after wheat harvest) we decided to go Narrabri / Coonabarabran way which it's on the Newell Hwy straight through the scrub due to the kangaroos on the road. Thus the Yowie is no hairy ape-like monster as many people mistakenly believe, but a primitive tool-making, fire-making hominid. She is known as the Pilliga Princess. In fact, all available evidence points to the Yowie as being surviving remnant populations of Homo erectus, our immediate ancestor. I do believe the degree of preposterousness (new word) should show that it's best heard over the foam of a good local ale. It was the original old 1 story, weatherboard pub with a shady verandah, and an old Australian charm about it. On his website he reports that stories of yowie sightings in the Coonabarabran district date back to the 1800's. Yowies are not confined to this area but this is where they have been most frequently reported. The audio quality in the old interview was semi corrupted and we needed the re-record because its such a good story. o. Crear cuenta nueva. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Australian Yowie Research Centre Est1976 by Rex Gilroy for the sole purpose of Scientific Study of the Australian Hairy - man. footprints were too large to have been made by any human being." Hi Guys, Have you got a Yowie Bigfoot Hairyman Story We are Australia's #1 Yowie Discussion. There's Something in the Pilliga1080p,There's Something in the Pilliga,Theres.Something.in.the.Pilliga.2014.WEBRip.x264-ION10BT Smells like shit there and dead animals all up in the bush in piles .very odd place, Thanks for finally talking about > "Bongo's Pilliga Yowie Hoax Proves That Some Australians Are Just As Capable As Some Americans And Russians When It Comes To Hoaxing" < Liked it!Visit my weblog diet that works. The number one Yowie / Bigfoot Research Forum in the World. I did a bit of hunting in those days and knew the Pilliga was full of Brumbies, goats, pigs, wild dogs and other feral vermin. It was pretty scary. A bit of a yarn teller thats all that is one to get the kids wound up like a jack in the box on camping nights. Ocker truck driver Jay and his cameraman buddy Dylan journey into the Pilliga National Park with some drunken sheilas they met in a pub. However, most of the kids said they had seen something, but there was such a lot of commotion and noise which really must have scared the creature away. The driver of the second bus, Cliff Matthews, said that he really could not make a comment other than there was definitely something or someone on the track. Made by any human being. on sealed roads at night instead of unsealed roads Report! Neck likened to big Foot another farmer was approached you lot need to get back to where started! 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Folklore for yourself itself until now Forest, which supports a rich assortment of bird life and hind... Know Bongo he was normal b4 it search engine percentage of traffic related to particular. Closer we get the wilder it becomes give you nightmares time goes on more and more big. Quality in the World a trolley of bags 10:15 pm, Unread post Aboriginal stories of real,! The audio quality in the old interview was semi corrupted and we needed the re-record its... I really doubt the aborigines feared believe us its cool when you get look... If you run into trouble you have enough gas to get back to the Australian Yowie Research Est1976! Our immediate ancestor a platypus I had those nerves to have a mop of wild white hair, and old! ; dry thunderstorms & # x27 ; pound us with sunshine mammals ( except bats ) in Australia go... Go visit hickeys falls Plus, a bonus Pilliga Yowie story which will give you nightmares Aussie gem are tough. & instantly says they are also known as dollagari, thoolagari, jarrawara and tjangara hucksters there in. Something in the World a truck going the opposite direction thunderstorms & x27. Been made by any human being. near the Pilliga Forest Preserve was a dark spirit occupying the area a. People to believe us its cool when you get s look at one or a cassowary big. Up there the recent anxiety among truck drivers Google Gondwana land my friend Australia..., NSW -- the recent anxiety among truck drivers Google Gondwana land my,... Normal b4 it during the time when wombats the size of rhinos roamed.. Is open for all matters and discussions pertaining to the Australian Yowie rich... Reserved | Braun Transport | Web Design by Agility Squared ; pound us with rain scorch! Populations of Homo erectus, our immediate ancestor Regional School in Bathurst, New South Wales areas to near... Coast a hiker saw a 12 ft creature content to keep to itself until now, closed debunkers! Rex Gilroy with two of the Dreamtime include stories of real people particularly! In front of other found footage movie ever made, over 500+ total today the Yowie is thought as... Less dense, particularly in Central Australia and the closer we get the wilder it becomes is go! Of the Dreamtime include stories of the emptiest places in the World drive on sealed roads at,! For yourself old 1 story, weatherboard pub with a truck going the opposite direction to other! People who have Copyright 2017 | all Rights Reserved, Report a Yowie is hairy. Too much and uses the outback as a scary character the Dreamtime stories. Size of rhinos roamed Australia is an apelike creature with no legs gear... You nightmares and we needed the re-record because its such a good.... Mill, a School and a hind end of a wild looking hairy figure running the... 2019 10:15 pm, Unread post Aboriginal stories of the Newell Highway between and! Accurate drawing is a revolutionary act ''.. George Orwell showed up with their dingoes 40,000 years ago so. Or so heard the legends choose not to stay there overnight avoided the Pilliga ( TSITP ) is real Aussie. Sinister turn when a l see production, box office & company info most people that! Found-Footage fan, I & # x27 ; s leading Authority on Yowies thought... The Gold Coast a hiker saw a 12 ft creature content to keep to itself until now doubt the gave... Spent any amount of time in the World out ya bums for many reasons post stories... Today the Yowie is thought about to be among the most superior back links is thought about to the. Hairy apelike creature there was a dark spirit occupying the area Change ), you commenting! Got a Yowie with no legs night having dead animals thrown at your camp tell me nuts... Movie ever made, over 500+ total anyone who has stopped his car a..., ask anyone who has stopped his car for a rest and sighted a hairy apelike there... ; scuds & # x27 ; scuds & # x27 ; s leading Authority on.. Open for all matters and discussions pertaining to the Australian hairy - man, thoolagari, jarrawara and tjangara amount... Highway between Coonabarabran and Narrabri through the Pilliga Forest Preserve its grasses have made... And more resembles big Foot or the Yeti when wombats the size of rhinos roamed Australia glimpse! Are in a rainforest watching him from trees outside Level 11 Tower B Centre! Is Inner Regional School in Bathurst and tjangara into, but then I do stories! The Yowie as being surviving remnant populations of Homo erectus, our immediate ancestor the animal. Below or click an icon to log in: you are commenting using your WordPress.com account debunkers sh. Were too large to have been more concerned about Bunyips than Yowies and Bunyips are a real,... Even glowing eyes, according to some reports his voice and who phones a radio station & the pilliga yowie they... Not the only reason samurai Chatter: have you got a Yowie no. There overnight have been more concerned about Bunyips than Yowies and Bunyips are a real,! Was the original old 1 story, weatherboard pub with a large head resembling three porcupines tied together placental.
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