For we are in a very dangerous place with mental health, I would argue. Not his fault. There is so much to unpack with this tour, but it has come so thick and fast in huge volumes that even their supporters are left to sit mouths wide open. Well done, Naomi, they say. Keir Starmer is desperate for votes and to be seen as a human being, not a political automaton but is appearing on Piers Morgans Life Stories really the best way for him to reach out to the electorate? Every action has a consequence and the sparkling highs of Harry's exciting new life are matched only by the lows he has excavated in William's. He is damned by his very existence, execrated by the status that gives him his voice and puts him at the centre of events in the first place. You can only get better by having more varied viewpoints and seeing the big picture. I would like to think he realized Kate did him a disservice and to make matters worse she cant even fill Meghans shoes. We have estimated Prince Harry's television interviews have been fascinating. Latest Breaking News Around The World 2022. Lisa had to see that from up close ahaha. Agree with you on all thisits like the scales are fallen from their eyes and now everyone can finally see. Scott Moir Is Engaged To Future Wife Jaclyn Mascarin Scott Moir and fellow ice skater Jaclyn Mascarin were set to get married in 2020 and officially become husband and wife. the Commonwealth is not something to be celebrated, but is, in fact, a feudal yoke from which to escape. Yikes. Their asses are going to be handed to them when they back. Jan Moir: Any fool can see that Kate has a fabulous figure and barely a hint of flab. Since they insisted on going through with the tour they should have made it low-key similar to what the Sussexes did for the Southern Africa tour. Hahahaahha!!! Moir has won newspaper awards including the Society of Women Writers and Journalists " Lynda Lee-Potter award" for the outstanding woman journalist of the year in 2005, the British Press Awards 'Interviewer of the Year', and What The Papers Say Feature Writer of the Year. It would not have changed minds but this colonial mess of a tour we got was not it. Emperors buck naked. Not like Charles did. But at least its something. Shy and Retiring Ms Jenkins Simply Can't Help Stealing the Limelight". And finally, three of the most horrifying images of this tour are the jeep ride, the touching the kids through the fence and Kate initially refusing to take a black womans hand. If that was PDA, l have a bridge to sell to the stans. There is too much encouragement aimed at convincing people they are suffering from something, when all they have is a big ol dose of reality. If the monarchy goes down, Kate is OUT of there. Hes been saying for years he wants to slim down the monarchy. His reign is likely to be quite short. Just the fact that these are their birthrights. W & K are remarkable, and not in a good way. The hard place is that Will and Kate are arrogant, dim, lazy and entitled. If BB and Keen were smart, they would take a leaf of how the European Royals do things, but they wont because they are too uptight and think that everything they do is right. The New York Giants (10-7-1) and Philadelphia Eagles (14-3) tussle Saturday in an NFC Divisional Round game at Lincoln Financial Field. OMG I can totally see them trying to pull this crap. Why would Harry and Meghan have to worry about reparations. De DM even threw shade at Williams white uniform and medals !!!!!!!! It is the most horrible thing you could do. instead of dealing with the hurt and trauma the racism caused. Summer, In this milestone issue marking five years of publication, JAN the Journal Volume 10 is one of Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizens most personal Journals yet. 'I am free, my brother is trapped' was the theme song then. I dont think its a big issue for most Canadians as they try to pay power bills, fuel their vehicles, cope with Covid in dumba$$ provinces. If theyd acknowledge the wrongdoings of the past and spoken up against racism, not only in football, but everywhere in society. It would change his legacy in one fell swoop and hed end up being far more important than even his mother ever was. I must say, Jan Moir can deliver a burn like no one else. Its an outdated and racist concept. Are you saying that the BM have already washed their hands of the monarchy and are ready to make money off of its slow destruction? The saddest thing is that he has to do all this not only without the support of his only brother, but in spite of his only brother. The tide turning doesnt change that, but its delicious to watch all the same. They still got a free vacation, Keen got a lifetimes worth of JC Penney Easter dresses and they will probably get new medals or something from the queen who will act as if they have done great work. We ALL knew there was a reason KP declined to publish their diversity numbers in their household staff (remember that, not too long ago?). Charles may be a narcissist but hes not as stupid as most of the other family members. MARTIN SAMUEL . Sometimes the richly blessed are totally blind to their own good fortune. Jan Moir is a hateful Daily Mail columnist who represents all that is wrong with the Daily Mail, and all that is wrong with the British tabloid } I think Harrys awareness of that (along with Meghans once they married) was why they tried to serve the public in more useful manner before it became impossible to live within the institution. If kate wasnt going to highlight local designers then she should have worn all repeats. No arguments there. I think they saw their role as moving the family towards change and relevance and that pissed people off. So, no matter what you say or what you write, youll never hold a candle to me. Its just like the choo choo train fiasco, they cannot be told what to do, so they do it anyway. I suspect that no one would have dared to be so openly discourteous had it been the Queen. Now without the queen and Harry who will keep that institution afloat? When a bin liner paper, whose very existence is to prop you up, calls you out for the trash you are, things are bad lol. True, America is a country of hard workers. Like the Birmingham paediatrician jailed earlier this year for stalking a celebrity. Harrys absence has left William exposed. And specifically because he inherited all her beautiful personal attributes that make a real celebrity- charisma, charm, an real way with people, good humor, passion, an ease in front of the camera and crowds, a contemporary style. Jan Moir is a hateful Daily Mail columnist who represents all that is wrong with the Daily Mail, and all that is wrong with the British tabloid establishment. William has no diplomacy skills, no business sense, no drive or focus to modernize the BRF. She is not dating anyone. We close comments on older posts to fight comment spam. To do that, they couldnt have the more glamorous spares dimming their light in comparison, so they froze them out till they left. Oh, shut up, Jan. And show yourself out. The governments were probably giddy when they were presented with the ideas for the trip knowing how tone deaf they were and that this trip would be tipping point to get the numbers they need to get referendums they wanted voted in. JAN MOIR: As Queen Oprah settled her guests among the lavender pots and lush greenery of this unnamed private estate, the pillared splendour told its own tale of the luxury Along with it, the panting incantations from the mental health apologists, stirring it up even more. But this is the sorry juncture we have reached. I dont know how long they can keep blaming 2 people who dont even live in the UK for UK problems, especially blatant racism. its going to get worse. I mean, I also think his reign should be about shutting the monarchy down, re-allocating land and property back to the government. No jewels, no helicopters, no new clothes, no vacations, no new house until they do 500 appearances a year, each. I cant see Charles bailing them out, TQ is probably being sheltered from what a mess this all was. Meghan has been maxing and relaxing under her tree and Harry hasnt looked this good in years. That's the kind of world-beating title no one wants. Why is this nonsense indulged? Dont refuse to wear local designers. and he married someone who was the original clout chaser and tried to emulate the posh set as much as she could, so William was never going to even get new ideas from his wife. @Beth, yes, ITA that this is what hes grown up being told. These people are so used to using Harry and Meghan as scapegoats that its embedded in them now. All I can say is good luck but Billy and Katie do not have the charisma or any real interest in their roles to seriously turn their fortunes around. This is a bit off topic but whatever happened to Kate and Will doing separate solo events on this trip? Friday 30 December, 2022. At 64 years old, Jan Moir height not available right now. She smiled at me the wrong way, he said after his arrest. I have such compassion for ginger whingers, It made me think of the actress Julianne Moore another whinging ginger. maybe hope people forget. Maybe uncle Gary grows some special blend hes feeding the rota with. William is just as much a royal, but hes certainly no celebrity. So they didnt just have the advantage of the wealth, but also of knowledge, information, and education. Like the terror of being around so many hostiles has them actually touching each otheruntil the moment has passed and then they remember they hate each other. border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; Once so declared, you are inside a bubble untouchable. Spot on about the Cambridges, but still demented regarding Harry and Meghan. Indeed, if Kates glue-gun grin gets any more fixed, someone is going to have to chisel it off when she gets home.. Everyone else has to commute from far and wide. I read some of the black spider letters back in 2015 or 2016. Pictured:Sir Keir Starmer, who was interviewed on Life Stories by Piers Morgan. At the end of the day Im pretty certain the royals are genuinely awful, evil, entirely corrupt group of people whore desperate to cling on to an outdated feudal system. Theyll never admit it and blame others instead. But the way they all go on, youd think these women were enduring torture by the Spanish Inquisition, instead of answering a volley of dreary questions from hairy-kneed tennis hacks. They need to start singing for their suppers, up and down the UK, at every fruit, flower, fish and fauna festival, every hospital, sports field, school. Weve seen all that the Cambridges are capable of doing, which is a whole lot of nothing. The palace knows that William is unfit for the job, which is why they put all of the pressure on Harry, and hold the spare to a much higher standard than the future future king. A rent and cost-free cottage in the middle of a royal park in a highly desirable area of London? I am immensely brave, she said. its one reason why they are so well matched. Dont get me wrong, these tabloids are still all vile and gross. But they put in the actual legwork to DO the work. So all this Harry only way to make money cashing in on royal is fake. I suspect that was just the media telling us they live separate lives. Published: 17:47 EST, 3 June 2021 | Updated: 08:42 EST, 4 June 2021. Jack has done it all, seen it all, drunk it all, tasted it all, gone back for seconds and doesn't want to do it any more. Thats never a mistake. Seeing as they change none of the awful colonizer events, its unlikely there was ever a plan for them to do separate things this time. Notice how the staff get the blame from her and BBC Johnny Dymond. These tabloid losers are just trying to recoup lost money. Who is Jane Moore's husband? Jan Moir (born August 1958) is a British newspaper columnist. Its one thing to criticize but she basically called them weak and obsolete. Behind the scenes, Burger King will turn on Kate for the bad tour publicity he is enduring, especially if she helped drive out Meghan and Harry, who would have been sent to the Caribbean instead had they still been in the royal fold. If theyd actually paid attention to whats going on in the world. Spouse. Well done, Naomi, they say. William is touching Kate again. Jan Moirs income source is mostly from being a successful . He is born into this and raised to be King, but he is so uncomfortable. Shakespeare couldnt make this stuff up. Could it get worse? Thanks @Feeshalori, glad not just my take. I think they dont care if the titles are taken away, but they do mean something to Harry especially. John was born on September 11 1815, in Markinch, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom. They could have benefited so much from being part of the Fab Four. 'It looks like a frat house,' she said. yikes. For most of your life you have loved and looked out for your little brother, only to discover via the pages of the fastest-selling memoir in history 1.43 million copies in all formats in U.S., Canada and Britain on day one that he resented you all along. But why attack W&K theyre the future of the royal grift game. Good for her. Yeah, its not their fault that there is a strong republican movement in these countries (I mean theyre there representing the Crown so I guess it kind of is lol but my point is that the republican movement isnt bc people hate W&K, you know?) [2] Meghan was right. They assumed they could take that away, but only the public can take away fame. How will Batroyal and Robbing cope if the tide turns against them in the right wing press. Moirs latest column is Its not Kate and Williams fault but this tour has left me dying of embarrassment and if the Duchesss glue-gun grin gets any more fixed, someone is going to have to chisel it off when she gets home. Ouch. The Real Me Me Me? I think BB and Buttons wouldnt mind *that* much, if they arent crowned, as long as they get to keep the wealth and the real estate (though Ma Mids would have a coronary!). they were told not to come but they went anyway. Jan90067, you said it perfectly. Youd think that might have put him off criminal wrongdoing for life, instead of actively taking part in it. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. So I think they fail to see the ways in which it would benefit them. No brainer for a guy trying to finally escape his ex-wifes monumental, somehow-still-growing(!?) so the protests, even the PM firing them probably would have happened regardless of which royal went. They could have NOT tried to make it one long photo op. It is bolted through society like a mast on our leaky boat and it is in danger of becoming capsized, its terrible currency devalued by fashionable thinking about what used to be known as everyday maladies. Television isnt a new medium for disseminating their image as it was in 1952. Theres no Princes Trust, Sentebale, Invictus games, cookbook, Smartworks, Vogue guest edit. They thought that Meghan and Harry getting ragged on meant that the Cambridges were the good ones, but thats never been true. In days gone by, the RR would have dumped another, unflattering story about a different royal in order to take some of this heat off of William and Kate, but there arent any other royals to cover their sins now. Or for smiling too much while they were dumped. The article was published in the Daily Mail six days after the singer's death, before his funeral. But is that really the case? The Crown Prosecution Service also concluded that there was insufficient evidence that the article had breached the law. The royals on the road? Yeah that superior bloodline stuff. Now they have failed on a global stage, and they have failed with the lowest of low bars. I bet the tour de-brief is going to be VERY uncomfortable for them. then out pops the cloven hoof. They have nothing to offer because neither understands what their role actually is. Also, do you know how expensive it will be to change all of our money? This is exactly what she told the Daily Mail back in 2016, when I went to interview her in Stockholm. Although Harry and Meghan were easy scapegoats that got them clicks, the media was never fond of the Cambridges and were more obvious about it prior to Meghans arrival. What is the meaning of the name Jan? Hilarious. Her supporters are full of praise. Its funny that Jan can see the optics of racism in W&Ks royal tour, can note that royal words about diversity dont match royal actions, but cant acknowledge that the optics of racism would be felt and experienced by Meghan, a WOC. Increasingly, behind all this, I hear the shrill cry of the spoilt and indulged instead of the authentic voice of hurt and pain. Granted theyll probably go home and disappear for a bit so things could cool down. Meghan and Harry are in a unique position of being progressives who are still affiliated with the regressive monarchy. A quiet word. BEL MOONEY . Yeah, there is always that. The BM are now turning on him and his cardboard cutout wife (didnt we all predict this?) She is currently single. Work, Cambridges, work! The latter, who is married to Turkish financier Cem Habib, had already publicised her plan. William expects to be served by others. Learning how to cope with adversity instead of running from it will make you stronger, not weaker. The most beautiful sentence of this whole piece. Agree about the clinging to the 96 year old queen. Rubbish. I knew when they took the afternoon off for a private scuba tour and then were seen hanging out by the bar at their hotel for a long time that they were not taking this trip as seriously as they needed to. William is 40. However, they had to postpone the wedding due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is all going to eventually blow back on the queen, or by then, her memory. They will just go along all smug and blame everyone else. Below, we look at Giants vs. Eagles odds from Tipico Sportsbook; check back for all our NFL picks and predictions.. New York won 31-24 as a 2.5-point underdog Sunday as it Theyre mad at them leaving, cutting them off and its slowly killing their grift game. Newsflash to the British media you lost, you trashwads. yikes. Rubbish. ITA @Jay. Revealed: Man being hunted by police after disappearing with a missing aristocrat and her baby daughter is a convicted sex offender who spent 20 years in US jail for rape and battery, Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. Frankly, its time to find out! From 4,000 miles away, I am dying of embarrassment. Give Cain some anger management classes and Unable some speech lessons. Also, they are pissed that the Cambridges lost them their cash cows (and the played along in that gamble). I respectfully disagree with this author. But even Jan Moir cant put a bow on the Keen Caribbean Disaster Tour. She definitely doesnt need it. If the institution had been smart they would have done better with Harry but they didnt want to. Every opportunity has been squandered. She is from British. JAN on Demand Live Help . Andrew is retired, Harry and Meghan have been gone for two years, and Charles/William have guaranteed that nobody would bother writing any sort of story about the rest of the family. Basically, theyve ignored Jan Moirs entire article critiquing the Cambridge Caribbean Disaster and focused just on the punitive bit about the Sussexes who, no matter how hard you wish, have nothing to do with the Cambridge trainwreck. Even Meghan's budget-buy Ikea lamps and new sofas did little to cheer it up. The security issues, etc were Harrys and in turn, Archies birth rights. Her colonizer cosplay blows away any pretence that she ever had common or relatable roots. And it was never approved for use in the U.S. Right! I dont think Charles ever set out to be the last king because his slimmed down monarchy always included Harry. And how quickly that unraveled. So, too, is tennis player Naomi Osaka, who has refused to attend post-match press conferences because she suffers from depression and is not going to subject myself to people who doubt me. Her father is the richest man in the world. Pictured:The new Sky Pool, an acrylic transparent swimming pool stretched between the 10th stories. This will remain unless he does something massive and earth quaking to completely drown out Diana from being his legacy. They have no morals and are complicit in gouging an entire economy. Listen, hotshot, you two dum dums will be opening every bloody hospital, community centre, and commemorative cricket field from Cardiff to Dover for the next twenty years, or you wont see a single penny from me!. Not all people who are alone are lonely. Yes, hes charming and charismatic, but I also think he is extremely shrewd. Sadly I agree. And I cannot recall where I read this, but Petty Liz believes everyone outside her immediate family is inconsequential. Back to Harry. Right now, we don't have much information about Education Life. Harry misses few opportunities to have a dig at William while elevating himself. She was furious at the insolence. JAN the Journal Volume Ten. Osaka's supporters are full of praise. But kate doesnt leave the house without a new outfit. My Ted! And never will. To the firm, duty is doing things like not holding a real job or trade, showing up at events to show support but not doing much else, not holding any political opinions (publicly), not being anything really other than mindless, empty figureheads. I agree, JayBlue. I can see that exactly, Eurydice! enlists him as a consultant on a complex murder case, and is probably no better than she should be. And we learn that racism is perfectly fine, but not calling out the racism. According to our Database, She has no children. They are the worst people to be trying to navigate these difficult times. Line in Jan Moir article that notes "Harry has also stated his belief other royal men married women who 'fit the mould' whereas he did not: he married a living saint." Ah, Harry & Meghan get a mention: Of course, the taint of racism that hangs over the Windsors does not help, the terrible smear left by the Sussexes that pile of dung they dumped on the royal driveway as they built their scented new lives in California. Jan is a form of John that is used in various languages. I dont know if Harry and Meghan would be laughing at them but they will probably be feeling vindicated. Thats how Im reading it anyway. If they do, we heard it here first! Basically, Jan is saying that, through their actions and the institution itself, the royals are very much a racist family, but that Meghan shouldnt have been affected by it and should have kept her mouth shut. That being said Keen and Unable so easily fell into an easy to spot trap. Or he will blame her for looking so ostentatious while he dressed down appropriately for the crowd. William is obsolete: Prince William can be as heartrending and emotional as he wants when he talks about slavery, but he is going to be king one day a system of belief that rests on the notion that his bloodline is superior to any other in the Commonwealth. They may not be able to talk about Williams affairs and god know what else hes done. I never thought they had anything to say to me. Dont know if it will come through though. They could utilized their famous listen and learn to meet with all sides. Of course, they are not alone. The Cambridges arent a twenty five year old Queen ascending to the throne at the end of a war. my goodness! Jan 17th, 2023 ; News Around The World. Racism has always been something people of colour have been told to accept, particularly black people. Its all so last century. She is part of the bootlicking Royal Rota, however she tries to spin it. I was mortified. roll out the kiddies when they arrive back in England, probably a picture of the kids running to them on the tarmac, a warm and loving Diana-esc on the boat when she saw her boys of Kate running with her arms open. Andrew will try to use this as the moment to bring himself back to public view. They looked over pictures of him as a young man with his Leeds University flat mates. So many fears and phobias tied up in one aquatic facility! Yes there is an element of trying to absolve W&K of the majority of the blame but the fact that these articles are being written and published where there are aggressive swipes against them anyways, is not a good sign. Image reading stories about W & K screwing up royally on an international level, and the only they can think of to say that Harry and Meghan should give up their titles. Yet they came from a prince who had the nerve to criticise the Baftas on their lack of diversity two years ago, although he still turned up in Jamaica this week with practically an all-white personal retinue and without a blush. He never went to parties, his housekeeper made all his food and he was reluctant even to have guests for dinner. I think whats really shocked me about William and Kate is how totally old-fashioned and antiquated those two really are. In 1955, she married a German actor, Harry Leuckert, with whom she co-founded Jean Muir Ltd. and lived in London and Lorbottle Hall near Alnwick in Northumberland. Their marriage was unconventional, described by Leuckert as "wonderful and loving, but never singular". The top floor for them and four empty floors below them for security. The comments above are so right they should have allowed the halo effect from H&M to envelop them. Slightly OT: Since we know Pedophile Island is in the Caribbean, AND that Andrew went there, would it have been too much for them so say something about that, maybe make some apology or another of those gestures, at least? If the staff is thrown under the bus I could see some secrets coming out about Willys exploits. Cains ever-burning incandescent rage, Unables shes finally getting comfortable with her role is really, really unflattering.
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